Practical Guide and Easy Tutorial to Speak Indonesian Confidently!
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For expatriates who are studying, working or temporarily living in Indonesia, learning Indonesian will be beneficial ! They will find it easier to communicate with Indonesians and socialize in educational, work and social environments.
Unfortunately, there are still few providers of Online Indonesian Language Courses for Foreign Speakers (BIPA) that are trusted and proven to be effective in helping expatriates learn Indonesian.
Join Lister and take online Indonesian language classes with experienced and certified BIPA teaching tutors.
Lister is a language course institution that has been proven to increase students’ chances of success by up to 92% in achieving foreign language test scores and passing into world-renowned universities.
Nikmati layanan bimbingan karir dengan jadwal fleksibel sesuai keinginan Anda. Bisa belajar kapan saja, dimana saja, lewat piranti online pilihan Anda.
Lister menggunakan The Lister Method, sebuah metode pembelajaran yang interaktif dan efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan & keterampilan literasi siswa!
Lister menghadirkan tutor terbaik untuk membantu siswa belajar persiapan psikotes kerja dengan maksimal. Tutor Lister sudah melewati proses seleksi dan sertifikasi.
Didesain dalam kelas Online Interaksi Dua Arah, dapatkan masukan dan bimbingan langsung dari Tutor Bersertifikat Lister untuk progress belajar yang signifikan.
We can help your agency through the BIPA Guidance Program which is customized according to the company’s needs in In-House Online and Offline Training with a minimum of 5 participants /company.
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You can also order a Regular/Custom Class Package according to your needs for up to 80 meetings!
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Msc. in Islamic Finance & Management | Durham University Business School, UK
Bachelor of English Education | Universitas Jember
Master of International Relationship | Universitas Gadjah Mada
Islamic Economics | Diponegoro University
Lister membantu saya untuk mempersiapkan tes IELTS untuk studi saya ke Eropa. Jadi saya hanya butuh waktu 1 bulan. Sepulang dari kerja di Maluku saya langsung bisa mengerjakan tes meskipun hanya ikut kursus dalam waktu yang singkat. Apalagi dengan kelasnya yang fleksibel dan bisa menyesuaikan untuk yang bekerja seperti saya. Hasilnya, saya berhasil mendapatkan skor IELTS 7.0 sesuai dengan keinginan saya.
Belajar di Lister itu asik ya. Kita bisa milih kelas sesuai kebutuhan, sesuai sifat kita, karena aku sendiri ngga suka yang kelas telalu banyak. Tutornya seru, lebih ngerasa ngomong ke temen. Belajarnya dari awal, lama-lama bertahap jadi makin sulit dan asik. Modulnya bagus. Di setiap beberapa kali pertemuan ada tes untuk memantau perkembangan. Setelah selesai juga masih bisa nanya-nanya.
Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris saya telah berkembang sangat pesat, saya mendapatkan hasil tes IELTS yang pertama 6.5, dan yang kedua 7.0. Enaknya ikut kelas ini adalah terdapat progress test dan post test, sehingga kita akan mengetahui seberapa jauh kita memahami konteks soal-soal IELTS demi mendapatkan hasil akhir yang jauh lebih maksimal. Selain itu terdapat modul untuk latihan mandiri. Well, it’s worth it you know.
Beruntung banget bisa kenal Lister. Disini kita dapet banyak ilmu, tips dan trik mengerjakan soal-soal IELTS bersama tutor terbaik dan berpengalaman sekaligus awardee-awardee beasiswa luar negeri. Dengan sistem pembelajaran yang intensif dan fleksibel serta materi yang lengkap, Lister adalah solusi terbaik untuk kita yang ingin meningkatkan score IELTS tapi memiliki kesibukan.
Living in eastern Indonesia made it difficult for me to get the information about IELTS & Scholarship. besides that, I also have difficulty sharing with other scholarship hunter in my neighborhood. Lister helped me to learn how to get score IELTS I need and also provide scholarship mentoring and during program i meet a lot of friends from around Indonesia who have same dream with me that could make me even more motivated in study abroad
Awalnya bingung dan merasa hopeless karena kerja shifting dan sepertinya susah untuk mencari tempat bimbingan belajar yang waktunya pas. Sampai akhirnya aku daftar di kelas private Pre-IELTS Lister, waktunya fleksibel,dengan materi belajar yg bisa di akses dimanapun & kapanpun. Selama satu bulan belajar, hal yang paling aku suka adalah writing ku diberi feedback, jadi aku bisa mengevaluasi apa yang perlu di tingkatkan. Tentor yang berkompeten, berpengalaman & LPDP awardee selalu memberi positive vibes, semangatjuga memberikan berbagai tips untuk meningkatkan skill IELTS. Dan ada satu kalimat penyemangat dari tentor yang sampai saat ini masih aku ingat “Keberhasilan adalah ketika kesempatan bertemu dengan persiapan” sehingga membuatku lebih bersemangat ketika kegiatan belajar berlangsung
I finally achieved my dream of getting band 7.0. It was such a rewarding process, that I increased my overall band by taking Master Plus Private program, it was really helpful to support my self-study plan of rebuilding IELTS! Thank you so much Mr Didin, you help me to create my writing as my own clearly structured expressions of ideas without taking any rigid complicated rules. And also Miss Mega, you help me a lot to bulid my confidence to speak fluently and naturally (before having you as my tutor, I always think of my self as real bad english speaker). After all, thank you so much for all your advice and guidance!
Nama | Keberhasilan | Bukti |
Elsa Allisanda Putri | IELTS 8.0 | Bukti |
Aipassa Jeremiah Delonix | Keterima S2 di Polimi dengan Beasiswa DSU dari pemerintah Italia | Bukti |
Annisa Mirza Maghfira | Berangkat tanggal 26 agustus ke Beijing untuk melanjutkan study S2nya. LoAnya didapat dengan test IELTS setelah kelas di Lister | Bukti |
Nadia Puspita | MBA Student di HEC Paris, France | Bukti |
Ariel Marcello Wibawa | Mendapatkan offering SIM Global Education di singapore | Bukti |
Steven Nigel Bunalven | mendapat LoA dari NUS Singapore dan untuk nilai IELTS pada listening dan reading hampir sempurna | Bukti |
Retty Dwi | Nominated for the Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program by the American Indonesian Exchange Foundation (AMINEF) Board to pursue a nine-month non-degree professional enhancement program in the United States commencing with the Fall 2024 academic term | Bukti |
Ditari Salsabila Esperanti | IELTS 8.0 | Bukti |
Rosa Monique | IELTS 8.0 | Bukti |
Vitae Prativi | Lolos LPDP keterima di University of Auckland | Bukti |
Ardianto Wibowo | Lulus Beasiswa PhD ke Prancis dengan beasiswa Uni Eropa (MSCA) melalui program AUFRANDE | Bukti |
Gracia Puspita Divanovena | Mendapatkan Beasiswa IISMA 2023 di Vytautas Magnus University | Bukti |
Irma Suwandi Sadikin | Jurnal masuk di BMC Journal Public Health Q1 | Bukti |
Sekar Safitri | Overall IELTS : 8 | Bukti |
Kayla Adyapratista | Overall IELTS : 8 | Bukti |
Keisha Khalila Mauristha | Keisha dari Universitas Gajah Mada mendapatkan nilai 7,5 pada official IELTS Testnya. Nilai tersebut digunakan untuk mendaftar untuk IISMA 2024 dan alhamdulillah lolos menjadi awardee. Nantinya, Keisha akan melakukan studi di Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona), Spanyol. | Bukti |
Gabriel Angelia Nirvelli | Gabriel bercerita ada keinginan untuk kuliah di Jepang dan alhamdulillah mendapat kabar bahwa murid saya ini diterima di Keio University, Jepang. Untuk beasiswa yang diikuti, GIGA Scholarship masih dalam tahap proses. | Bukti |
Sari Syahputri Imam | Dapat skor 1200 dapat beasiswa BIM di KU Leuven, Belgia | Bukti |
Zahra Amalia Wulandari | Zahra lulus seleksi LPDP dan mendaptkan beasiswa untuk kuliah di kampus impiannya di the University of Melbourne. | Bukti |
Shauqila Kyle | Kyle telah mengikuti test IELTS dan mendapatkan band score 8 | Bukti |
Don’t hesitate to ask our team any questions regarding the course program, and get clear and complete information from us.
Get ready for Indonesian proficiency test (UKBI) with intesive practices.
Helping students become more confident in facing the official IELTS Academic and general tests.
Step-by-step guidance for students to get various top scholarships for postdegree.
Meningkatkan kemampuan listening, speaking, reading, dan writing serta Grammar dan Vocabulary
Take the BIPA Placement Test to find out which class is right for you. Start the test now!
Get cashback start from Rp. 200.000 for every friend registered to Lister! Your friends will get Disc. up to 35% for their chosen course.
BIPA Course is an Indonesian language training program for expatriates or non-Indonesian foreign speakers. BIPA (Indonesian for Foreign Speakers) teaches complete Indonesian language skills starting from speaking, writing, reading, and listening.
BIPA Lister Course provides Indonesian language course and learning services for expatriate students by connecting them with selected Indonesian Language Tutors. This course will help students learn and practice Indonesian directly guided by Experienced Tutors.
How do I register with Lister?
Please contact our Course Consultant to discuss your goals and needs. Once you have found a course that meets your needs, you will be given a placement test to determine your ability level before you can decide and start a course that suits your needs. You can register on the site
How long does the placement test take?
The online placement test lasts for 30 to 60 minutes. You will get your results immediately and the score report will be sent directly to your email.
When can I register for courses?
You can register for courses at any time throughout the year.
How does the payment system for Lister courses work?
Payment can be made via bank transfer or virtual account according to the instructions provided after registering for the class.
What teaching methodology does Lister use?
Lister lessons are very dynamic and structured. The material you receive will be adjusted to the student’s ability level through communicative and interactive learning methods.
Online classes with flexible results
This BIPA Course learning can be done online with flexible study hours. Lister applies a flexible schedule where students can easily arrange their own learning schedules.
Interactive learning
Classes at Lister are conducted online by implementing The Lister Method, which is a learning method that focuses on human to human interaction. So that two-way learning between students and tutors is achieved effectively.
BIPA courses are guided by Indonesian Language Tutors for Foreign Speakers with educational backgrounds that are mostly alumni of education or English literature majors. In addition, they are also native Indonesians from majors other than English who are experienced in teaching BIPA.
Along with the development of globalization, the world’s people are increasingly easy to move places, jobs, and education. No exception to work in Indonesia for foreigners.
To support these needs, Indonesian language courses for foreign speakers (BIPA) were created. These Indonesian language courses for foreigners are increasingly in demand. Including online Indonesian language courses .
Online Indonesian language courses allow anyone to take courses easily, even from a distance. This is an alternative to offline courses , such as Indonesian language courses in Jakarta.
The cost of online courses is also cheaper than offline courses. For example, the cost of courses at Oxford Course Indonesia can reach millions of rupiah.
In addition, online Indonesian lessons are no less effective than face-to-face lessons. Online Indonesian tutors can still pay more attention to each participant.
So what is the Indonesian language learning material for foreigners like? Here is the review.
The BIPA learning method divides lessons into three levels. First, elementary (beginner), intermediate, and advanced students.
All three teach vocabulary, grammar, and Indonesian language structure at different levels. This is part of the BIPA learning strategy so that lessons are more easily absorbed by students.
BIPA learning media uses modules. The BIPA syllabus is designed for foreign students who do not have general Indonesian language skills.
At the basic level, BIPA teachers will provide speaking lessons related to daily life in formal and informal situations. Teachers will also provide basic knowledge about Indonesian culture to help improve communication skills.
Next, BIPA teachers will provide lessons related to understanding Indonesian language texts. The purpose of teaching BIPA is so that students can communicate in Indonesian fluently and naturally, like native speakers.
Next, in this Indonesian language course, students will learn to be directly involved in problem solving and condition simulations. Learning is done through understanding the material with complex patterns for discussion, writing essays, and discussing various topics with better grammar.
Who are the BIPA teachers? Of course they must have certain experiences and skills.
The following are the requirements for those who wish to register to become BIPA teachers.
BIPA teachers also have to take a series of selection tests. These include psychological tests, teaching practice assessments, interviews, artistic skill performances, and foreign language proficiency.
Who are the target BIPA students? BIPA students are grouped into several categories, namely (1) diplomats and foreign observers, (2) graduates of Indonesian studies, (3) students, (4) tourists, (5) journalists, (6) entrepreneurs, (7) teachers/researchers, (8) families of foreign officials/workers in Indonesia, (9) families of Indonesian officials/workers abroad, and (10) others.
The existence of BIPA learning media aims to make it easier to teach Indonesian to foreigners. Without media, of course, learning Indonesian would be more difficult.
So what media are usually used for BIPA learning?
Pictures or photos are useful for stimulating students in learning vocabulary, grammar, writing, and speaking.
Sketches are used in materials related to sequence or time. Sketches are useful in vocabulary, grammar, writing, and speaking lessons.
The map is useful in lessons related to environmental introduction. This media is useful for teaching vocabulary, grammar, writing, and speaking.
Serial caricatures aim to refresh learning. Just like before, this media is used in learning vocabulary, grammar, writing and speaking.
Posters can be useful in vocabulary, grammar, writing, and speaking lessons. For example, students are asked to create sentence patterns related to the poster. The sentences created are then discussed together.
Maps or globes are useful in grammar, writing, and speaking lessons. For example, students are asked to talk about the culture of their respective countries.
Through magazines, students can learn the language of articles, the language of stories, and the language of advertisements. Students can find new vocabulary and discuss it with teachers.
Newspapers can also be a learning medium. Newspapers can be used to teach vocabulary, reading, grammar, writing, and speaking.
Audio recordings are used to practice listening skills. It is best to use good quality recordings to support learning.
In addition to audio recordings, visual recordings are also useful in supporting BIPA learning. Listening lessons can be continued with writing or speaking lessons. Students will discuss their obstacles when practicing Indonesian language skills.
There are a number of games that can support learning, especially in terms of vocabulary. There are a number of games that can be played to help enrich vocabulary.
For example, Indonesian scrabble , snakes and ladders, cards, wayang golek, traditional clothing, and the surrounding environment.
The existence of the surrounding environment helps learning, especially in terms of vocabulary. For example, the school environment, library, traditional market, and tourist attractions.
This learning media can be an alternative and can be developed according to student capacity.
The BIPA learning syllabus is different for each level.
First, the objectives of BIPA learning for basic level will be discussed.
In learning, there are techniques and strategies used to run it effectively.
Several BIPA learning objectives at the secondary level are explained below.
In learning, techniques or strategies are needed to make it run effectively.
The learning objectives at the advanced level are as follows.
What is the learning strategy for advanced level? Here is the explanation.
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