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Simulation Test


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Welcome to Duolingo Simulation Test

Test your Duolingo Skill

Information to Test takers

There are two parts to the test including Reading, and Listening.

Each question carries different point.

No. of Questions : 70 items
Score Range : 0 - 200
Timing : 100 Minutes

Complete the form below correctly before starting the test.

At the end of the test, the score report will be sent to your email

Section 1. Read and Complete

My name is Hans. I am a mechanic. I (1) in London. I have a brother and a sister. My sister is a university student. She (2) medicine. She is going to be a doctor. My brother doesn’t want to go to university, (3) he wants to be a mechanic like me. He comes and (4) me in my shop on Sundays. He hasn’t finished his education yet. (5) his education, he is thinking of working with me. We will (6) the business together.

1 / 80

1. L □ □ □

2 / 80

2. s□□□□es

3 / 80

3. b□□□use

4 / 80

4. h□□□s

5 / 80

5. A□□□r

6 / 80

6. r□□

Entertainment has always been a part of our (7). It is undeniable that entertainment has a direct (8) on teens today. They tend to (9) the action, word, and behaviour of characters portrayed in movies, dramas, mangas and comics. Sometimes these teenagers (10) funny. (11), when adults begin to imitate characters, they (12) downright ludicrous.

7 / 80

7. l□□□

8 / 80

8. e□□□ct

9 / 80

9. i□□□ate

10 / 80

10. a□□□ar

11 / 80

11. H□□□ver

12 / 80

12. a□□

Scientists' research has (13) that viruses are by far the most abundant life forms on Earth. There are a million times more viruses on the planet (14) stars in the (15). Viruses also harbor the majority of genetic diversity on Earth. Scientists are finding evidence of viruses as a planetary force, (16) the global climate and geochemical cycles. They (17) also profoundly shaped the evolution of their hosts. The human genome, for example, (18) 100,000 segments of virus DNA.

13 / 80

13. r□□□aled

14 / 80

14. t□□□

15 / 80

15. u□□□erse

16 / 80

16. i□□□□□□cing

17 / 80

17. h□□□

18 / 80

18. c□□□ains

Movies are (19) as a very common source of entertainment and a platform to educate people and (20) messages with the world. It has been evolving since it (21) introduced to the world. Lumière brothers were the first to (22) projected moving pictures in December 1895 in Paris. Some movies (23) greatly impacted modern society by (24) light to social issues, forwarding ideologies, and presenting real stories to educate and re-educate people all over the world.

19 / 80

19. k□□□n

20 / 80

20. s□□□e

21 / 80

21. w□□

22 / 80

22. p□□□ent

23 / 80

23. h□□□

24 / 80

24. g□□□ng

A toy is an (25) which is made for the purpose of (26) for kids. Toys are the major source of enjoyment for young children. Toys (27) be made up of different materials such as plastic, wood, paper, clay, etc. The world is now more obsessed with digital games such as video games on playstation or x-box, etc. Some toys are (28) for the purpose of collection only, (29) some can stimulate the sense of humour, wonder, discovery, and reasoning, which are vital for the proper overall growth of (30). It is entertaining and enjoyable for kids.

25 / 80

25. o□□□ct

26 / 80

26. p□□□ing

27 / 80

27. c□□

28 / 80

28. m□□□

29 / 80

29. w□□□e

30 / 80

30. c□□□dren

Section 2. Read and Select

31 / 80

1. Select the real English words:

32 / 80

2. Select the real English words:

33 / 80

3. Select the real English words:

34 / 80

4. Select the real English words:

35 / 80

5. Select the real English words:

Section 3. Listen and select

36 / 80

37 / 80

38 / 80

39 / 80

40 / 80

Section 4. Read and complete

Yesterday I saw a film (1) Macbeth. Its story elements are interesting. The film’s hero, Macbeth, assassinates Duncan and ascends to the throne of Scotland. However, he (2) dissatisfied. He finds himself in a dangerous situation. He executes those he suspects of plotting (3) him. Eventually, some of the lords revolted and dethroned him and killed him. The message it (4) is that excessive ambition destroys a man. The actor and actress who played Macbeth and Lady Macbeth had exceptional (5), which significantly increased the film’s impact.

41 / 80

1. t□□□ed

42 / 80

2. i□

43 / 80

3. a□□□nst

44 / 80

4. c□□□eys

45 / 80

5. p□□□□□□□□ces

2. Since March 8, 1990, Women’s Day has been observed by SAARC, comprising seven countries namely India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Maldives. The day is (6) to highlight the problems of the girl child in these (7). It is very sad that girl children are (8) to extreme neglect and disrespect, especially in underdeveloped countries. The (9) of a girl child is seen by parents as a cause of pity. They are (10) of proper nutrition, education, economic opportunities and social status or respect. We must eliminate these prejudices and provide a bright future for girls by educating them.

46 / 80

6. c□□□□□□□ed

47 / 80

7. c□□□□□□es

48 / 80

8. s□□□□□□ed

49 / 80

9. b□□□h

50 / 80

10. d□□□ived

3. After summer (11) the rainy season. It (12) from mid-June to the end of September. During this time of year, the sky is cloudy. It drizzles and rains cats and dogs sometimes. Rain (13) relief from the oppressive summer heat. Green leaves are developed by the tree. Ponds and rivers are (14) of water. Monsoon is a boon for farmers. Rainwater softens the soil and makes it suitable for cultivation. Monsoon has some disadvantages. Due to heavy and incessant rainfall, the roads, especially in villages, become (15).

51 / 80

11. c□□□s

52 / 80

12. l□□□s

53 / 80

13. p□□□ides

54 / 80

14. f□□□

55 / 80

15. m□□□y

4. There are many children in our country who are (16) of education and the normal joyous experiences of childhood. While upper-middle-class boys and girls attend school, they (17) in tea shops or small factories. They work as servants in middle-class and upper-class households. The parents are very poor, so the children are (18) to take up all these occupations. Government should (19) up with strict laws to solve this problem. (20) with the law, the government should introduce some economic reforms which will bring down the poverty line to some extent.

56 / 80

16. d□□□ived

57 / 80

17. w□□□

58 / 80

18. f□□□ed

59 / 80

19. c□□□

60 / 80

20. A□□□g

5. Co-education is an educational system in which boys and girls (21) the same school or college. Co-education was uncommon in ancient times. Gradually, parents supported the case for adequate education for all children, regardless of gender. The countrymen (22) that in the free world, boys and girls must move together and work hand in hand in all aspects of life. They began (23) their children to co-educational schools. Co-education (24) competition among boys and girls through the activities they participate in at school. That is why (25) at co-educational institutions perform better in all aspects of their lives.

61 / 80

21. a□□□nd

62 / 80

22. r□□□ized

63 / 80

23. s□□□ing

64 / 80

24. e□□□□□□ges

65 / 80

25. s□□□□□□s

Section 5. Read and Select.

66 / 80

1. Select the real English words:

67 / 80

2. Select the real English words:

68 / 80

3. Select the real English words:

69 / 80

4. Select the real English words:

70 / 80

5. Select the real English words:

Section 6. Listen and select

71 / 80

72 / 80

73 / 80

74 / 80

75 / 80

Section 7. Listen and type

76 / 80

77 / 80

78 / 80

79 / 80

80 / 80

Your score is



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