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Placement Test

Business English

Hero Image Persiapan Tes GMAT

Welcome to Lister Placement Test

The test will give you an indication of your score and provide feedback on areas to improve.

IMPORTANT : Please Make sure you have a stable internet connection before starting the test.

Good Luck!


Welcome to Business English Placement Test

Test your Business English Skill

Information to Test takers

There are three parts to the test including Use of English, Reading and Listening.

Each question carries 1 point.

No. of Questions : 30 items
Score Range : 140 - 200
Timing : 40 Minutes

Complete the form below correctly before starting the test.

At the end of the test, the score report will be sent to your email

1. Why is the HR department sending this email?


2. Finefoods requires an agent to ...

3. Staff should tell Jane Fellows ....

4. Contact Neil Smith if you want to ...

5. Read a passage about Crash Course in satisfying your customers.

Please choose the best option to complete the sentence or conversation no 5.



6. Choose the best option to complete the sentence or conversation no 6.

7. Choose the best option to complete the sentence or conversation no 7.

8. Choose the best option to complete the sentence or conversation no 8.

9. Choose the best option to complete the sentence or conversation no 9.

10. Choose the best option to complete the sentence or conversation no 10.

11. Choose the best option to complete the sentence or conversation no 11.

12. Read a passage about Reid Joinery – experts in wood.


Please choose the best option to complete the sentence or conversation no 12.



13. Choose the best option to complete the sentence or conversation no 13.

14. Choose the best option to complete the sentence or conversation no 14.

15. Choose the best option to complete the sentence or conversation no 15.

16. Choose the best option to complete the sentence or conversation no 16.

17. Choose the best option to complete the sentence or conversation no 17.

18. Choose the best option to complete the sentence or conversation no 18.

19. Read a passage about Business case study: OFC Co-operative.


Please choose the best option to complete the sentence or conversation no 19.



20. Choose the best option to complete the sentence or conversation no 20.

21. Choose the best option to complete the sentence or conversation no 21.

22. Choose the best option to complete the sentence or conversation no 22.

23. Choose the best option to complete the sentence or conversation no 23.

24. Choose the best option to complete the sentence or conversation no 24.

25. Choose the best option to complete the sentence or conversation no 25.

26. You will hear a recording twice. Choose the best answer for the question below.

Which chart is correct?

27. You will hear a recording twice. Choose the best answer for the question below.

What kind of packaging do they decide to use?

28. You will hear a recording twice. Choose the best answer for the question below.

Where is Mike going to take the visitors first?

29. You will hear a recording twice. Choose the best answer for the question below.

Who is Anne going to write to?

30. You will hear a recording twice. Choose the best answer for the question below.

What’s the new time for the meeting?

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