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Simulation Test

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Simulation IELTS V2 - Listening

Welcome to IELTS Listening Simulation Test

Each question carries 1 point.

No. of Questions : 40
Score Range : 0 - 40
Timing : 40 Minutes

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Questions 1-5
Complete the form below

Listen to this audio to answer question 1-5

Questions 1 5

1 / 38

1. Type your answer

2 / 38

2. Type your answer

3 / 38

3. Type your answer

4 / 38

4. Type your answer

5 / 38

5. Type your answer

Questions 6-10
Answer the questions below

Listen to this audio to answer question 6-10


Questions 6 10

6 / 38

6. Type your answer

7 / 38

7. Type your answer

8 / 38

8. Type your answer

9 / 38

9. Type your answer

10 / 38

10. Type your answer


Questions 11 and 12

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Listen to this audio to answer question 11-12

11 / 38

11 & 12) Which TWO tasks will the volunteers in Group A be responsible for? (Choose 2 options)


Questions 13 and 14

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Listen to this audio to answer question 13-14

12 / 38

13 & 14). Which TWO items should volunteers in Group A bring with them? (Choose 2 options)

Questions 15-20
Label the plan below

Listen to this audio to answer question 15-20


15 20

Write the correct letter, A-I next to Questions 15-20

13 / 38

15. Vegetable beds

14 / 38

16. Bee hives

15 / 38

17. Seating

16 / 38

18. Adventure playground

17 / 38

19. Sand area

18 / 38

20. Pond


Questions 21-25

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

Listen to this audio to answer question 21-25

19 / 38

21. Why has James chosen to do a case study on the company Furniture Rossi?

20 / 38

22. According to James, why did Luca Rossi start a furniture company?

21 / 38

23. What gave Furniture Rossi a competitive advantage over other furniture companies?

22 / 38

24. What does the tutor recommend James do when writing the second draft of his case study?

23 / 38

25. What do the tutor and James agree was wrong with James’ last presentation?

Questions 26-30

Complete the flowchart below.

Listen to this audio to answer question 26-30

24 / 38



25 / 38



26 / 38



27 / 38



28 / 38



Questions 31-40

Complete the notes below.
Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer..

Listen to this audio to answer question 31-40

31 35

36 40

29 / 38

31. Type your answer

30 / 38

32. Type your answer

31 / 38

33. Type your answer

32 / 38

34. Type your answer

33 / 38

35. Type your answer

34 / 38

36. Type your answer

35 / 38

37. Type your answer

36 / 38

38. Type your answer

37 / 38

39. Type your answer

38 / 38

40. Type your answer


Anda hanya memiliki waktu 60 Menit (3600 detik) untuk menyelesaikan tes dan jawaban Anda akan dikirimkan secara otomatis.

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Simulation IELTS V2 - Reading

Welcome to IELTS Reading Simulation Test

Each question carries 1 point.

No. of Questions : 40
Score Range : 0 - 40
Timing : 60 Minutes

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You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13,
which are based on Reading Passage 1 on the following page.



Questions 1-6

Reading Passage 1 has six paragraphs, A-F.

Choose the correct heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below.

Write the correct number, i-ix, in boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet.

1 / 40

1. Paragraph A

2 / 40

2. Paragraph B

3 / 40

3. Paragraph C

4 / 40

4. Paragraph D

5 / 40

5. Paragraph E

6 / 40

6. Paragraph F

Questions 7-13
Complete the notes below.

Read this to answer question 7 - 13

Reading 7 A B

Reading 7 C E

Reading 7 F


Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 7-13 on your answer sheet

7 13 questions

7 / 40

7. Type your answer

8 / 40

8. Type your answer

9 / 40

9. Type your answer

10 / 40

10. Type your answer

11 / 40

11. Type your answer

12 / 40

12. Type your answer


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14-26, which are based on Reading Passage 2 below.

Reading Passage 2 1 
Reading Passage 2 2


13 / 40

13. Type your answer

14 / 40

Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 2?

In boxes 14-17 on your answer sheet, write :

YES if the statement agrees with the claims of the writer

NO if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer

NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this


14. Governments should do more to ensure that food is generally affordable.

15 / 40

15. Farmers need to reduce the harm they do to the environment.

16 / 40

16. in the future, farmers are likely to increase their dependency on chemicals.

17 / 40

17. Farms in Europe and the U.S. may find it hard to adapt to precision farming.

18 / 40

Complete the sentences below. Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.

Write your answer in boxes 18-21 on your answer sheet.


18. In the future, agribots will provide ……………….. to young plants.

19 / 40

19. Some machines will use chemicals or ……………… to get rid of unwanted plants.

20 / 40

20. It is the production of ………………. which currently uses mostly machinery on farms.

21 / 40

21. ……………….. between machines such as tractors is making farming more efficient.

22 / 40

22 26

Look at the following researchers (Questions 22-26) and the list of statements below.  Match each researcher with the correct statement, A-H.

Write the correct letter, A-H, in boxes 22-26 on your answer sheet.


22. Simon Blackmore

23 / 40

23. Eldert van Henten

24 / 40

24. Linda Calvin and Philip Martin

25 / 40

25. Lewis Holloway

26 / 40

26. Salah Sukkarieh


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 27-40, which are based on Reading Passage 3 below.

Science In Space

How will NASA transform the International Space Station from a building site into a cuttingedge research laboratory?
A premier, world class laboratory in low Earth orbit. That was how the National Aeronautics and Space Administration agency (NASA) sold the International Space Station (ISS) to the US Congress in 2001.Today no one can doubt the agency’s technological ambition. The most complex engineering project ever attempted has created an enormous set of interlinked modules that orbits the planet at more than 27,000 kilometres per hour. It might be travelling fast but, say critics, as a lab it is going nowhere. So far, it has gone through $150 billion.
So where should its future priorities lie? This question was addressed at the recent 1st annual ISS research and development conference in Colorado. Among the presenters was Satoshi Iwase of Aichi Medical University in Japan who has spent several years developing an experiment that could help solve one of the key problems that humans will face in space: keeping our bodies healthy in weightlessness. One thing that physiologists have learned is that without gravity our bodies begin to lose strength, leaving astronauts with weakened bones, muscles and cardiovascular systems. To counter these effects on a long duration mission to, say, Mars, astronauts will almost certainly need to create their own artificial gravity. This is where Iwase comes in. He leads a team designing a centrifuge for humans. In their preliminary design, an astronaut is strapped into the seat of a machine that resembles an exercise bike. Pedalling provides a workout for the astronaut’s muscles and cardiovascular system, but it also causes the seat to rotate vertically around a central axis so the rider experiences artificial gravity while exercising.
The centrifuge project highlights the station’s potential as a research lab. Similar machines have flown in space aboard NASA’s shuttles, but they couldn’t be tested for long enough to prove whether they were effective. It’s been calculated that to properly assess a centrifuge’s impact on human physiology, astronauts would have to ride it for 30 minutes a day for at least two months. The only way to test this is in weightlessness, and the only time we have to do that is on the space station,’ says Laurence Young, a space medicine expert at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
There are certainly plenty of ideas for other experiments: but many projects have yet to fly. Even if the centrifuge project gets the green light, it will have to wait another five years before the station’s crew can take a spin. Lengthy delays like this are one of the key challenges for NASA, according to an April 201 I report from the US National Academy of Sciences. Its authors said they were ‘deeply concerned’ about the state of NASA’s science research, and made a number of recommendations. Besides suggesting that the agency reduces the time between approving experiments and sending them into space, it also recommended setting clearer research priorities.
NASA has already begun to take action, hiring management consultants ProOrbis to develop a plan to cut through the bureaucracy. And Congress also directed NASA to hire an independent organisation, the Centre for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS), to help manage the station’s US lab facilities. One of CASIS’s roles is to convince public and private investors that science on the station is worth the spend because judged solely by the number of papers published, the ISS certainly seems poor value: research on the station has generated about 3,100 papers since 1998.The Hubble Space Telescope, meanwhile, has produced more than I 1,300 papers in just over 20 years, yet it cost less than one tenth of the price of the space station.

Yet Mark Uhran, assistant associate administrator for the ISS, refutes the criticism that the station hasn’t done any useful research. He points to progress made on a salmonella vaccine, for example. To get the ISS research back on track, CASIS has examined more than 100 previous microgravity experiments to identify promising research themes. From this, it has opted to focus on life science and medical research, and recently called for proposals for experiments on muscle wasting, osteoporosis and the immune system. The organisation also maintains that the ISS should be used to develop products with commercial application and to test those that are either close to or already on the market. Investment from outside organisations is vital, says Uhran, and a balance between academic and commercial research will help attract this.

The station needs to attract cutting edge research, yet many scientists seem to have little idea what goes on aboard it. Jeanne DiFrancesco at ProOrbis conducted more than 200 interviews with people from organisations with potential interests in low gravity studies. Some were aware of the ISS but they didn’t know what’s going on up there, she says. ‘Others know there’s science, but they don’t know what kind.’

According to Alan Stern, planetary scientist, the biggest public relations boost for the ISS may come from the privately funded space flight industry. Companies like SpaceX could help NASA and its partners when it comes to resupplying the ISS, as it suggests it can reduce launch costs by two-thirds. Virgin Atlantic’s Spaceship Two or Zero2lnfinity's high altitude balloon could also boost the space station’s fortunes. They might not come close to the ISS’s orbit, yet Stern believes they will revolutionise the way we, the public, see space. Soon everyone will be dreaming of interplanetary travel again, he predicts. More importantly, scientists are already queuing for seats on these low gravity spaceflight services so they can collect data during a few minutes of weightlessness. This demand for low-cost space flight could eventually lead to a service running on a more frequent basis, giving researchers the chance to test their ideas before submitting a proposal for experiments on the ISS. Getting flight experience should help them win a slot on the station, says Stern.


Questions 27-30
Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

27 / 40

27. What does the writer state about the ISS in the first paragraph?

28 / 40

28. What are we told about Satoshi Iwase’s experimental machine?

29 / 40

29. The writer refers to the Hubble Space Telescope in order to

30 / 40

30. In the sixth paragraph, we are told that CASIS has

Questions 31-35

Look at the following opinions (Questions 31-35) and the list of people below.
Match each opinion with the correct person, A, B, C or D.

List of People

A. Laurence Young

B. Authors of the US National Academy of Sciences report

C. Mark Uhran

D. Jeanne DiFrancesco


Write the correct letter, A, B, C or D, in boxes 31-35 on your answer sheet.

31 / 40

31. The ISS should be available for business-related ventures.

32 / 40

32. There is a general ignorance about what kinds of projects are possible on the ISS.

33 / 40

33. The process of getting accepted projects onto the ISS should be speeded up.

34 / 40

34. Some achievements of the ISS are underrated.

35 / 40

35. To properly assess new space technology, there has to be an absence of gravity.

Questions 36-39

Complete the summary using the lists of words, A-H, below.


The Influence of Commercial Space Flight on the ISS

According to Alan Stern, private space companies could affect the future of the ISS. He believes they could change its image; firstly because sending food and equipment there would be more 36…………….if a commercial craft were used, and secondly, because commercial flights might make the whole idea of space exploration seem 37…..……….to ordinary people. Another point is that as the demand for space flights increases, there is a chance of them becoming more 38…………….. And by working on a commercial flight first, scientists would be more 39………………if an ISS position came up.


36 / 40

36. Choose the answer

37 / 40

37. Choose the answer

38 / 40

38. Choose the answer

39 / 40

39. Choose the answer

40 / 40

Choose the correct letter, A,B,C or D.

40. The writer’s purpose in writing this article is to


Anda hanya memiliki waktu 60 Menit (3600 detik) untuk menyelesaikan tes dan jawaban Anda akan dikirimkan secara otomatis.

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Simulation IELTS V2 - Writing

Welcome to IELTS Writing Simulation Test

The Writing Test can only be done with Lister’s Tutor Supervision.

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1 / 2


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.


Writing Task 1

2 / 2


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.


Car ownership has increased so rapidly over the past thirty years that many cities in the world are now ‘one big traffic jam’.

How true do you think this statement is?

What measures can governments take to discourage people from using their cars?


(Write at least 250 words)

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