
TOEFL Listening Comprehension: Soal, Pembahasan, dan Trik


Kursus TOEFL iBT – Untuk menghadapi soal TOEFL Listening Comprehension dengan baik, kamu perlu sering berlatih dan memahami triknya. Pahami pengertian, latihan soal, pembahasan, hingga trik mengerjakan berikut ini. 

Baca juga: Latihan Soal TOEFL Reading Comprehension

Pengertian  TOEFL 

Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) adalah bentuk tes standar internasional untuk mengukur kemampuan bahasa Inggris. Durasi waktunya adalah tiga jam dengan empat bagian yaitu grammar structure and written expression, reading comprehension, writing, dan listening comprehension. 

Listening comprehension bertujuan menguji kemampuan dalam memahami bahasa lisan yaitu mendengarkan bahasa Inggris secara lisan. Kamu harus punya pengetahuan soal tata bahasa Inggris yang memadai. 

Pada TOEFL iBT, bagian listening termasuk ke dalam kategori kedua. Bagian ini menguji pemahaman dasar dan pragmatis tentang bahasa Inggris melalui percakapan yang kamu dengar. Berikut ini contoh struktur listening section pada TOEFL iBT. 


(approximately 60–90 minutes) 30 total points

StimulusLanguage Skill UsedTopicsSource for response
4–6 lectures, each followed by 6 questionsListeningArts, life sciences, and social scienceDetails fromphysical sciences, lecture
2–3 conversations, by 5 questionsListening Non academic situation on campus conversationDetails from conversation

Baca juga: Cek Perbedaan TOEFL ITP dan TOEFL iBT yang Perlu Kamu Tahu

Contoh Latihan Soal TOEFL iBT

Directions: Read the script. Give yourself 10 minutes to answer the questions in this

practice set.

Library Tour

Narrator: Listen to a conversation between a male student and a female librarian.

Student: Hi. I’m new here … I, uh, couldn’t come to the student orientation— and I’m wondering if you can give me a few quick pointers about the library? I’d really appreciate it. 

Librarian: Sure. I’d be glad to. What’s your major area of study?

Student: Latin American literature.

Librarian: OK. Well, over here’s the section where we have language, literature, and the arts, and if you go downstairs you’ll find the history section. Generally the students who concentrate in Latin American literature find themselves researching in the history section a lot.

Student: Uh-huh. You’re right. I’m a transfer student. I’ve already done a year at another university, so I know how the research can go—I’ve spent a lot of time in the history section. So how long can I borrow books for?

Librarian: Our loan period is a month. Oh, I should also mention that we have an interlibrary loan service … if you need to get hold of a book that’s not in our library. There’s a truck that runs between our library and a few other public and university libraries in this area. It comes around three times a week.

Student: Hey, that’s great! At my last school, it could take a really long time to get the materials I needed, so when I had a project, I had to make a plan way in advance. This sounds much faster. Another thing I was wondering is … is there a place where I can bring my computer and hook it up?

Librarian: Sure. There’s a whole area here on the main floor where you can bring a laptop and plug it in for power. But on top of that we also have a connection for the Internet at every seat.

Student: Nice! So I can do all the research I need to do right here in the library. I’ll have all the resources, all the books and information I need right here in one place!

Librarian: Yup, that’s the idea! … I’m sure you’ll need photocopiers, too. They’re down the hallway to your left. We have a system where you have to use a copy card, so you’ll need to buy a card from the front desk. You insert it into the machine and you’re ready to make copies.

Student How much do you guys charge?

Librarian: Seven cents a copy.

Student: That’s not too bad. Thanks. Uh, where’s the collection of rare books?

Librarian: Rare books are up on the second floor. They’re in a separate room where the temperature is controlled to preserve the old paper in them. You need to get special permission

to access them, and then you’ll have to wear gloves to handle them, ’cause the oils in our hands, you know, can destroy the paper, and gloves prevent that, so we have a basket of gloves in the room.

Student: OK, thanks … I suppose that’s all I need to know. You’ve been very helpful, thanks.

Librarian: Any time. Bye.

Student: Bye.

Directions: Answer the questions.

1. Why does the student come to the library?

A To learn about the library’s resources

B To ask about interlibrary loans

C To attend the new student orientation

D To start work on a research project

2. Why does the librarian point out the history section to the student?

A She wants to point out the closest area containing copy machines.

B She assumes that he will need to do research there.

C The student is looking for a book he used at his last school.

D Students sometimes mistakenly assume that the section contains literature books

3. What does the student imply about the interlibrary loan service at his last school?

A He never used it.

B He came to appreciate it.

C It was inconvenient.

D It was expensive.

4. What does the student need to do before he can use any rare books?

Choose 2 answers.

A Purchase a card

B Obtain permission

C Put on gloves

D Try interlibrary loan first

5. Part of the conversation is repeated below. Read it and answer the question.

Student: I’ll have all the resources, all the books and information I need right here in one place!

Librarian: Yup, that’s the idea!

Which sentence best expresses what the librarian means when she says this:

Librarian: Yup, that’s the idea!

A I wish this were true.

B That is not a very good idea.

C Thanks for your suggestion.

D That is what we intended.


1. A

2. B

3. C

4. D

5. B, C

6. D

Baca juga: Strategi Mendapatkan Skor TOEFL Tinggi

Tips Menghadapi TOEFL iBT Listening Section 

  • Fokus
  • Rileks
  • Kenali ragam aksen bahasa Inggris
  • Pahami kata hubung bahasa Inggris 
  • Fokus pada akhir kalimat dialog
  • Jangan hilang fokus subjek utama yang sedang berbicara agar konsentrasi tidak pecah

Kursus TOEFL iBT, Siapkan Diri Raih Skor Tertinggi 

Mengerjakan tes TOEFL membutuhkan persiapan matang dari jauh-jauh hari, terutama jika menargetkan skor yang tinggi. Agar lebih maksimal, ikuti Kursus TOEFL iBT di Lister.

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