Template Surat Rekomendasi Beasiswa (Beserta Contoh!)

template surat rekomendasi beasiswa

Mentoring Beasiswa Online – Ketika ingin pergi kuliah ke luar negeri dengan menggunakan beasiswa, salah satu persyaratannya adalah membuat surat rekomendasi. Sudah tahu cara membuat surat rekomendasi belum, fellas? Pada artikel kali ini, kita akan bahas mengenai cara membuat surat rekomendasi beasiswa beserta contohnya. Simak ya!

Surat rekomendasi beasiswa biasanya berisi informasi mengenai karakter, kualitas, dan pencapaian dari kandidat yang memenuhi kriteria dasar beasiswa yang dipilih.

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Cara Menulis Surat Rekomendasi

Sebuah surat rekomendasi beasiswa biasanya berjumlah 300-500 kata dan terdiri dari kop/kepala surat, pendahuluan, 2 paragraf bagian isi, dan penutup.

surat beasiswa
Surat rekomendasi beasiswa

Letterhead/Kepala surat

Dalam sebuah surat, pada pojok kiri atas surat biasanya berisi:

  1. Date of Writing
  2. Full Name
  3. Title
  4. School Name
  5. Street Address
  6. City, State, Zip Code
  7. Preferred Contact (optional)



“Dear Admissions Committee,

I wish to recommend Angela Bursette for the FNSA scholarship program. As a counselor at Rosehip High School, I have worked closely with her for the past four years and have developed a great deal of respect for this remarkable young woman during that time. Despite having financial hardships to overcome, she has excelled in all academic fields.”

Pada paragraf contoh di atas berisi tentang rekomendasi yang dibuat seorang guru untuk muridnya yang membutuhkan bantuan dana pendidikan. Dalam paragraf tersebut, dituliskan secara jelas beasiswa apa yang tepat untuk muridnya itu.

Paragraf 1

Pada paragraf 1 dapat disi dengan deskripsi bagaimana kandidat dapat memenuhi kriteria beasiswa. Seperti contoh di bawah ini:

I personally feel that the GNCA scholarship should go to someone who possesses strong leadership qualities and a genuine concern for their community. Fernanda fits these guidelines perfectly. Last year, she acted as Student Body President, and this year she took on the primary responsibility of organizing the school’s annual talent show. 

Pada contoh di atas, dicantumkan pula panduan beasiswa dan penilaian akademik siswa tersebut.

Paragraf 2

Pada paragraf ini biasa diisi dengan bukti nyata yang dapat memperkuat penilaian terhadap kandidat. Seperti contoh dibawah ini.

I am familiar with Jane’s education and career goals, and I know that without financial aid she may not be able to achieve these aspirations. Jane is capable student, and more importantly, she is driven by a desire to do good for her community. She has volunteered for the school’s special needs program and is a member of her local park’s EcoWatch group. I cannot think of anyone more deserving of this scholarship and I wholeheartedly support her application.


Pada bagian kesimpulan dapat diisi dengan kontak dan email dari kandidat. Selain itu, paragraf ini seharusnya bisa meninggalkan kesan yang sangat baik tentang kandidat.

It has been a joy to work with Barbara and I am proud to be able to provide this letter of recommendation for the scholarship program you represent. I can be reached at (555) 555-5555 if you have any question’s regarding Barbara’s application.



Frederick McKinsley

Contoh Surat Rekomendasi Beasiswa

April 19, 2017

Frank Jacobs
Literature and English Teacher
Franciscan High School
31 Lewis Street
Bridgetown, CA, 90210

Dear Sir/Madam,

I write this letter in support of Jan Stewart’s application for the Big Sur Poetry Scholarship. I had the pleasure of teaching Jan in her 11th and 12th grade English Literature class at Franciscan High School. She has always impressed me with her ability to be articulate difficult concepts and understand dense texts. Jan’s sensitivity to the nuances within literature, and her passion for reading and writing, set her apart both as a student and as a writer.

During her senior year, Jan produced an extraordinary thesis paper on creative identity development, in which she compared works from three different time periods and synthesized cultural and historical perspectives to inform her analysis. When called upon to give her thesis defence in front of her peers, Jan spoke clearly and eloquently about her conclusions and responded to questions in a thoughtful way. While she shows much promise as a well-rounded liberal arts student, it is poetry which most interests Jan. She publishes her poetry in our school’s literary magazine and has also had her work published in online magazines.

Throughout the year Jan was an active participant in our discussions, and she always supported her peers. Her caring nature and personality allow her to work well with others in a team setting, as she always respects others’ opinions even when they differ from her own. Throughout the year, Jan demonstrated this openness to and empathy for the opinions, feelings, and perspectives of others, along with shrewd powers of observation, all qualities that makes her outstanding as a student of literature and aspiring poetess.

I am certain that Jan is going to continue to do great and creative things in her future. Her work, as I am sure you will agree, demonstrates an impressive depth for a young student. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions at: fjacobs@email.com.


Mr. Frank Jacobs

Demikian contoh surat rekomendasi beasiswa yang dapat kamu jadikan sebagai referensi, fellas. Semoga bermanfaat!


Picture of Fatimatuzuhroh
A passionate writer who loves reading self-help books!

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