Apa itu IELTS Band Score? Yuk cari tahu apa itu IELTS, mulai dari pengertian, jenis, fungsi, dan tujuannya di sini!
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Pengertian IELTS Band Score
Band scores adalah rentang nilai atau bisa disebut juga dengan skor/nilai. Nilai keseluruhannya diambil dari rata-rata empat bagian tes pada tes keseluruhan. Jika nilai lebih tinggi, maka menunjukkan tingkat keterampilan berbahasa Inggris yang juga lebih tinggi.
Sistem penilaian IELTS menggunakan skala 0-9 atau yang biasa disebut band score. Nilai ini merupakan rata-rata dari nilai 4 aspek yang diuji (Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking).
The Common European Framework of Reference to Languages (CEFR) digunakan di luar negeri oleh sebagian besar universitas dan sekolah bahasa. Hal ini memungkinkan perbandingan skor antara tes yang berbeda pada skala yang sama.
Baca juga: Dapatkan E-Book Persiapan IELTS sekarang!
8-9 | C2 |
7-8 | C1 |
5-6.5 | B2 |
4-5 | B1 |
Tujuan IELTS Band Score
- Untuk mengetahui dan mengukur kemampuan bahasa Inggris yang berstandar internasional dan diperuntukkan bagi orang yang bukan penutur asli bahasa Inggris.
Fungsi IELTS Band Score
- Menilai kemampuan bahasa Inggris dari seseorang secara resmi.
- Sebagai syarat memasuki universitas/perguruan tinggi di beberapa negara (English-Speaking Country).
- Memenuhi tujuan tertentu seperti persyaratan belajar,beasiswa kuliah di luar negeri, migrasi atau bekerja di negara – negara yang menggunakan bahasa inggris sebagai bahasa utamanya seperti Australia, Canada, UK, USA, dan New Zealand.
Jenis IELTS Band Score
Band Score | Criteria | Description |
9 | Expert User | Has fully operational command of the language: appropriate, accurate and fluent with complete understanding. |
8 | Very good user | Has fully operational command of the language with only occasional unsystematic inaccuracies and inappropriacies. Misunderstandings may occur in unfamiliar situations. Handles complex detailed argumentation well. |
7 | Good user | Has operational command of the language, though with occasional inaccuracies, inappropriacies and misunderstandings in some situations. Generally handles complex language well and understands detailed reasoning. |
6 | Competent user | Has generally effective command of the language despite inaccuracies, inappropriacies and misunderstandings. Can use and understand fairly complex language, particularly in familiar situations. |
5 | Modest user | Has partial command of the language, coping with overall meaning in most situations, though is likely to make many mistakes. Should be able to handle basic communication in own field. |
4 | Limited user | Basic competence is limited to familiar situations. Has frequent problems in understanding and expression. Is not able to use complex language. |
3 | Extremely limited user | Conveys and understands only general meaning in very familiar situations. Frequent breakdowns in communication occur. |
2 | Intermittent user | No real communication is possible except for the most basic information using isolated words or short formulae in familiar situations and to meet immediate needs. Has great difficulty understanding spoken and written English. |
1 | Non user | Essentially has no ability to use the language beyond possibly a few isolated words. |
0 | Did not attempt the test | No assessable information provided. |
-IELTS Band Score Listening
Correct Answers | Band Scores |
39-40 | 9 |
37-38 | 8.5 |
35-36 | 8 |
32-34 | 7.5 |
30-31 | 7 |
26-29 | 6.5 |
23-25 | 6 |
18-22 | 5.5 |
16-17 | 5 |
13-15 | 4.5 |
11-12 | 4 |
-IELTS Band Score Reading
Correct Answers | Band Scores |
40-39 | 9 |
38-37 | 8.5 |
36-35 | 8 |
34-30 | 7.5 |
32-30 | 7 |
29-27 | 6.5 |
26-23 | 6 |
22-19 | 5.5 |
18-15 | 5 |
14-13 | 4.5 |
12-10 | 4 |
9-8 | 3.5 |
7-6 | 3 |
5-4 | 2.5 |
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