
25 Puisi Cinta Bahasa Inggris, Tulus dan Membekas di Hati

puisi cinta bahasa inggris

Kursus Vocabulary Building – Ungkapan cinta dapat diekspresikan dalam berbagai bentuk, salah satunya lewat puisi. Ingin mengirimkan puisi cinta bahasa Inggris untuk orang tersayang? Berikut contoh berbagai puisi romantis yang bisa kamu pilih.

25 Contoh Puisi Cinta Bahasa Inggris Romantis untuk Orang Terdekat

Puisi dapat menyiratkan makna yang dalam untuk mengungkapkan perasaan. Dengan memberikan puisi, bentuk perasaan dan ungkapan yang tulus dapat terasa menyentuh hati.

Puisi merupakan karya sastra tulisan yang memiliki irama, rima, bait, dan larik yang bermakna, sehingga dapat menjadi ekspresi ungkapan rasa kasih sayang dan emosi lainnya.

Puisi-puisi berikut ini dapat kamu gunakan untuk menyatakan perasaan di hari Valentine. Kapan persisnya hari kasih sayang dirayakan? Berikut ulasannya dalam artikel Kapan Hari Valentine? Ini Tradisi Perayaannya di 8 Negara.

Berbagai puisi cinta dalam bahasa Inggris ini dapat dijadikan inspirasi untuk mengekspresikan arti yang romantis, khususnya pada hari Valentine.

1. Valentine 

Cherry plums suck a week’s soak,
overnight they explode into the scenery of before your touch. 
The curtains open on the end of our past.
Pink trumpets on the vines bare to the hummingbirds.
Butterflies unclasp from the purse of their couplings,
theylight and open on the doubled hands of eucalyptus fronds.
They sip from the pistils for seven generations
that bear them through another tongue 
as the first year of our punishing mathematic begins clicking the calendar forward. 
They land like seasoned rocks on the decks of the cliffs. 
They take another turn on the spiral of life 
where the blossoms blush & pale in a day of dirty dawn
where the ghost of you webs
your limbs through branches
of cherry plum. Rare bird, extinct color, you stay in my dreams in x-ray. 
Inrerun, the bone of you stripping sweethearts
folds and layers the shedding petals of my grief 
into a decayed hologram
My forever empty art.

— Lorna Dee Cervantes 

2. Variations on the Word Love

This is a word we use to plug holes with.
It’s the right size for those warm blanks in speech,
for those red heart shaped vacancies on the page that look nothing lie real hearts.
Add lace and you can sell it.

—Margaret Atwood

3. Bird-Understander

Of many reasons I love you here is one

the way you write me from the gate at the airport
so I can tell you everything will be alright

so you can tell me there is a bird
trapped in the terminal      all the people
ignoring it       because they do not know
what to do with it       except to leave it alone
until it scares itself to death

it makes you terribly terribly sad

You wish you could take the bird outside
and set it free or       (failing that)
call a bird-understander
to come help the bird

All you can do is notice the bird
and feel for the bird       and write
to tell me how language feels
impossibly useless

but you are wrong

You are a bird-understander
better than I could ever be
who make so many noises
and call them song

These are your own words
your way of noticing
and saying plainly
of not turning away
from hurt

you have offered them
to me       I am only
giving them back

if only I could show you
how very useless
they are not

Craig Arnold

4. Come, And Be My Baby

The highway is full of big cars going nowhere fast

And folks is smoking anything that’ll burn

Some people wrap their lives around a cocktail glass

And you sit wondering

Where you’re going to turn.

I got it.

Come. And be my baby. 

Maya Angelou

5. The More Loving One

Were all stars to disappear or die, 

I should learn to look at an empty sky

And feel its total dark sublime, 

Though this might take me a little time.

W.H. Auden 

6. Always For The First Time 

There is a silk ladder unrolled across the ivy

There is

That leaning over the precipice 

Of the hopeless fusion of your presence and absence 

I have found the secret 

Of loving you

Always for the first time

André Breton

7. To Be In Love 

To be in love

Is to touch with a lighter hand.

In yourself you stretch, you are well.

Gwendolyn Brooks

8. She Walks in Beauty

She walks in beauty, like the night 

Of cloudless climes and starry skies; 

And all that’s best of dark and bright

Meet in her aspect and her eyes; 

Thus mellowed to that tender light

Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

Lord Byron 

9. Beautiful Signor

This is the endless wanderlust:


yours is the April-upon-April love

that kept me spinning even beyond your eventful arms 

toward the unsurpassed:

the one vast claiming heart, 

the glimmering, 

the beautiful and revealed Signor.

 Cyrus Cassells

10.  Love is more thicker than forget 

love is more thicker than forget 

more thinner than recall

more seldom than a wave is wet 

more frequent than to fail

 E.E. Cummings

11. Flirtation 

Outside the sun 

has rolled up her rugs

and night strewn salt 

across the sky. My heart 

is humming a tune

I haven’t heard in years!

 Rita Dove 

12. Heart to Heart

It’s neither red

nor sweet.

It doesn’t melt

or turn over,

break or harden,

so it can’t feel




 Rita Dove 

13. Nostalgia

I wish I could remember that first day,

First hour, first moment of your meeting me,

If bright or dim the season, it might be

Summer or Winter for aught I can say;

So unrecorded did it slip away,

So blind was I to see and to foresee,

So dull to mark the budding of my tree

That would not blossom yet for many a May.

If only I could recollect it, such

A day of days! I let it come and go

As traceless as a thaw of bygone snow;

It seemed to mean so little, meant so much;

If only now I could recall that touch,

First touch of hand in hand – Did one but know!

Christina Rossetti

14. I Love You

puisi cinta bahasa inggris

I love your lips when they’re wet with wine

And red with a wild desire;

I love your eyes when the lovelight lies

Lit with a passionate fire.

I love your arms when the warm white flesh

Touches mine in a fond embrace;

I love your hair when the strands enmesh

Your kisses against my face.

Not for me the cold, calm kiss

Of a virgin’s bloodless love;

Not for me the saint’s white bliss,

Nor the heart of a spotless dove.

But give me the love that so freely gives

And laughs at the whole world’s blame,

With your body so young and warm in my arms,

It sets my poor heart aflame.

So kiss me sweet with your warm wet mouth,

Still fragrant with ruby wine,

And say with a fervor born of the South

That your body and soul are mine.

Clasp me close in your warm young arms,

While the pale stars shine above,

And we’ll live our whole young lives away

In the joys of a living love.

Ella Wheeler Wilcox

15. More than friends

Love is like the wild rose-briar,

Friendship like the holly-tree—

The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms

But which will bloom most constantly?

The wild rose-briar is sweet in spring,

Its summer blossoms scent the air;

Yet wait till winter comes again

And who will call the wild-briar fair?

Then scorn the silly rose-wreath now

And deck thee with the holly’s sheen,

That when December blights thy brow

He still may leave thy garland green.

Emily Brontë

16.  Love 

you’re where I stand, hearing the sea, crazy 

for the shore, seeing the moon ache and fret

for the earth. When morning comes, the sun, ardent, 

covers the trees in gold, you walk 

towards me,

out of the season, out of the light love reasons.

Carol Ann Duffy 

17. Yours

I am yours as the summer air at evening is 

Possessed by the scent of linden blossoms, 

As the snowcap gleams with light 

Lent it by the brimming moon. 

Without you I’d be an unleaded tree

Blasted in a bleakness with no Spring.

Daniel Hoffman 

18.  A Love Song for Lucinda


Is a high mountain 

Stark in a windy sky.

If you 

Would never lose your breath 

Do not climb too high.

Langston Hughes 

19. Untitled 

love will hurt you but 

love will never mean to 

love will play no games

cause love knows life 

has been hard enough already

 Rupi Kaur

20. Camomile Tea

We might be fifty, we might be five,

So snug, so compact, so wise are we!

Under the kitchen-table leg

My knee is pressing against his knee.

Our shutters are shut, the fire is low,

The tap is dripping peacefully;

The saucepan shadows on the wall

Are black and round and plain to see.

Katherine Mansfield

21. Untitled

 I miss you even when you

are beside me. 

I dream of your body

even when you are sleeping

in my arms.

The words I love you

could never be enough.

Christopher Poindexter

22. Love Is Not A Word

Amidst all this 

I keep a falling flower in the mid-air

Not to fall on the earth 

Is it not up to you who search for it

To come and sit on it

And make love?

Don’t forget to bring the word


When you come.

Riyas Qurana 

23. I loved you first: but afterwards your love 

I loved you first: but afterwards your love 

Outsoaring mine, sang such a loftier song

As drowned the friendly cooings of my dove.

Which owes the other most? my love was long, 

And yours one moment seemed to wax more strong

Christina Rossetti

24. Defeated by Love

The sky was lit

by the splendor of the moon 

So powerful 

I fell to the ground 

Your love 

has made me sure 

I am ready to forsake 

this worldly life 

and surrender 

to the magnificence 

of your Bering


25. Love’s Philosophy

The fountains mingle with the river

And the rivers with the ocean, 

The winds of heaven mix forever

With a sweet emotion;

Nothing in the world is single;

All things by a law divine

In one spirit meet and mingle

Why not I with thine?

Percy Bysshe Shelley

Apa makna kehadiran orang terkasih dalam hidupmu, seperti pacar? Cari tahu arti pacar dalam bahasa Inggris, serta berbagai istilah tentang hubungan romantis dalam artikel Apa Bahasa Inggris Pacar? Ini 25 Panggilan Romantis untuk Kekasih.

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