Accepting and Declining Invitation, Bagaimana Caranya?

Dalam percakapan sehari-hari, kamu akan menemui situasi di mana kamu harus menerima atau menolak undangan. Namun, bagaimana cara menerima atau menolak undangan dengan sopan, terlebih dalam bahasa Inggris? Perhatikan tips accepting and declining invitation berikut.

Accepting and Declining Invitation

Saat menerima undangan (invitation), sebaiknya kamu memberi jawaban apakah kamu akan datang (accepting) atau tidak (declining). Hal ini menjadi tanda sopan-santun dan menunjukkan kamu menghargai orang tersebut.

Baik undangan tersebut disampaikan dalam invitation letter maupun secara langsung, kamu dapat menerima atau menolak dengan cara yang sopan.

Accepting and Declining Invitation Vocabulary

Kata-kata apa saja yang dapat kamu gunakan untuk menerima atau menolak undangan?

Thank you

Pertama, saat menerima undangan, kamu wajib menyampaikan terima kasih terlebih dahulu. Setelah itu, kamu dapat menyampaikan respons.

  • Thank you.
  • Thanks for the invitation.
  • That is so kind of you.
  • Thanks for thinking of us.
  • I appreciate the invite.
  • That sounds great.
  • How wonderful!
  • Awesome!
  • How fun!


Sampaikan dengan tegas bahwa kamu akan datang atau siapa saja yang akan ikut.

  • We will be there.
  • My wife and I will be there.
  • We can’t wait.
  • Count me in.
  • We will be there with bells on.
  • Wouldn’t miss it!
  • Absolutely!
  • I’ll be there for sure.
  • I’d love to come.
  • I’m in / I’m down / Sure thing.

Selanjutnya, kamu dapat mengonfirmasi agar lebih jelas.

  • So we will see you on the 10th then.
  • We look forward to seeing you there.
  • How lovely! I can’t wait.
  • It is going to be great!
  • What would you like us to bring?
  • Let me know if I can help with the preparations.
  • Is there anything I can do to help?
  • Fabulous, see you then!


Jika kamu masih ragu-ragu apakah akan datang atau tidak, kamu juga dapat menyampaikannya. Pertama, jangan lupa ucapkan terima kasih seperti yang disebutkan di atas. Kemudian katakan bahwa kamu belum dapat memastikan.

  • I’m not sure whether I can but I’ll check my calendar and let you know.
  • Perhaps I can make it. Let me check my calendar.
  • Perhaps I can reschedule something. I will see what I can do.


Setelah mengucapkan terima kasih, kamu dapat menyatakan tidak akan datang dengan nada meminta maaf.

  • But I am not able to make it.
  • But I am not able to come.
  • But I’m sorry, I’m afraid we can’t make it.
  • Unfortunately I already have plans.  
  • So sorry, I’ll have to take a rain check.
  • I would love to come but…
  • That sounds fabulous but…
  • I wish I could join you but…
  • I am so sorry we can’t make it…
  • It is a shame we can’t be there…
  • I am disappointed that I can’t make it…
  • That would have been wonderful, so sorry we can’t be there.

Kemudian katakan alasan yang jelas.

  • It is my sister’s birthday that day.
  • Joe leaves for his trip that afternoon.
  • The children have a school event we have to attend.
  • We will be away on vacation then.
  • We have a prior engagement.
  • We already have plans.
  • We have a clash in our schedule.

Terakhir, tutup dengan sikap yang baik dan sopan. Kamu juga dapat menawarkan untuk bertemu di lain kesempatan.

  • I hope it goes well.
  • We will be thinking of you.
  • Enjoy it!
  • We will make it up to you another day.
  • I would love to catch up another time.
  • How about another time?
invitation card thank you

Contoh Percakapan


Ann:We will have a baby shower for Sarah this weekend. Would you be able to join?
Tamara:How fun! I will be there. Do I need to prepare anything?
Ann:I have written everything we need. I’ll send you the details.


Karl:Hi, Tom. Our department will have a weekly-meeting on Monday morning. Can you join us?
Tom:Thank you for informing me. I’m afraid I have to check my schedule first. I’ll let you know soon.
Karl:No problem. Thank you.


Katherine:We are going on vacation this June. Do you want to join us?
Carol:That sounds fun! But I’m afraid my short course will start by the first week of June. Have fun without me.
Katherine:That’s okay!

Kosakata yang digunakan dalam dunia bisnis dan pekerjaan tentu berbeda dengan percakapan sehari-hari. Agar kamu semakin percaya diri, ikuti Kursus Business English di Lister.

Di sini kamu akan belajar bersama tutor-tutor ahli dan berpengalaman. Kamu dapat memilih jumlah pertemuan sendiri sesuai kebutuhan. Daftar sekarang!


Picture of Brigitta Winasis
Brigitta Winasis
A lifetime learner, a magical world wanderer through books and stories. Writing for professional purposes and personal interests.

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