
Teks Negosiasi: Pengertian, Jenis, dan Contohnya

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Dituntut bernegosiasi dalam bahasa Inggris tapi terkendala bahasa?

Tidak semua orang berani dan mampu untuk bernegosiasi sebab takut terjadi kesalahpahaman yang berujung keributan. Namun, bagaimana jika proses negosiasi menjadi bagian dari profesi kamu?

Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, kita tidak bisa lepas dari kegiatan negosiasi.

Nah, untuk mengatasi rasa takut bernegosiasi dalam bahasa Inggris, simak penjelasan teks negosiasi di bawah ini!

Pengertian Teks Negosiasi

Negosiasi adalah dialog yang dilakukan oleh dua orang atau lebih atau pihak guna menyelesaikan perbedaan untuk mencapai hasil yang diinginkan.

Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), negosiasi/ne·go·si·a·si/ /négosiasi/ n adalah proses tawar-menawar dengan jalan berdiskusi/bernegosiasi guna mencapai kesepakatan bersama.

Struktur teks negosiasi terdiri atas orientasi, permintaan, pemenuhan, penawaran, persetujuan, dan penutup. Bahasa yang digunakan dalam teks negosiasi yaitu santun & persuasif.

Jenis teks negosiasi

Berdasarkan bentuk

  • Negosiasi Non-Konflik (Lose-Lose):  negosiasi yang saling mengalah demi kepentingan bersama.
  • Negosiasi Akomodasi (Lose-Win): negosiasi yang memberi keuntungan lebih banyak kepada lawan, sedangkan pihak yang melakukan negosiasi keuntungannya lebih sedikit.
  • Negosiasi Kolaborasi (Win-Win): negosiasi semua pihak selalu mendapatkan kesepakatan yang terbaik dan berkolaborasi.

Berdasarkan situasi

  • Negosiasi Formal:  negosiasi yang hanya diselesaikan dengan hitam di atas putih. 
  • Negosiasi Informal: negosiasi yang dilakukan tanpa mengenal waktu, tempat, dan orang untuk mendapatkan kesepakatan bersama.

Berdasarkan jumlah negosiator

  • Negosiasi dengan Pihak Penengah: negosiasi dilakukan dua orang atau lebih, sehingga membutuhkan pihak ketiga untuk mendapatkan kesepakatan yang adil.
  • Negosiasi tanpa Pihak Penengah: kesepakatan yang diperoleh berdasarkan keputusan negosiasi ditentukan pihak yang terlibat.

Contoh teks negosiasi

 Disney’s Purchase of Lucasfilm

On October 30, 2013 the Walt Disney Company made a surprise announcement that it was acquiring Lucasfilm, home of the immensely successful Star Wars brand, from its founder, George Lucas, for $4.05 billion, split evenly between stock and cash. Lucas was the sole shareholder in his company.

The acquisition bolstered Disney’s status as a leader in animation and superhero films and gave it the opportunity to reap huge earnings from the already lucrative Star Wars media and merchandising empire. Disney promised to begin producing and releasing new films in the Star Wars franchise every two or three years. The acquisition even included a detailed script treatment for the next three Star Wars films.

The 68-year old Lucas decided to sell his company after beginning to plan his retirement several years ago. According to Walt Disney Chairman Robert Iger, a famous negotiator in Hollywood, he and Lucas conducted the negotiations personally, beginning in early 2011. Speaking of Lucas’ decision to hand over his creative legacy to Disney, Iger told the New York Times, “There was a lot of trust there.”

 Apple and U.S. Book Publishers

On April 12, 2012, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) sued Apple and five major U.S. publishers for colluding to raise the prices of ebooks. Three of the publishers settled the suit; two others and Apple were unwilling to settle.

In January 2010, the publishers had negotiated a new business model for ebook pricing with Apple as it prepared to launch the iPad: in exchange for a 30% sales commission, Apple would let the publishers set their own prices for ebooks. For the publishers, this pricing model appeared to be a vast improvement on their wholesaling arrangement with Amazon. After at least one of the publishers threatened to delay release of its digital editions, Amazon reluctantly replaced its flat $9.99 price for ebooks with Apple’s model, and prices rose industry-wide to about $14.99 on average.

The DOJ’s lawsuit suggests that the negotiators and attorneys involved may have neglected to thoroughly analyze whether their agreement would truly create value for consumers—and thus whether it fell within the parameters of U.S. antitrust law. In the flush of hammering out a deal that appears to create synergy for everyone involved, negotiators sometimes neglect to consider how their agreement could affect outsiders, an oversight with ethical and legal implications.

Demikian pembahasan mengenai teks eksposisi dalam bahasa Inggris, semoga bisa menjadi referensi belajar kamu ya, fellas.

Yuk daftar di Program Lister untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris yang kamu punya!

Source: https://www.pon.harvard.edu/daily/negotiation-skills-daily/famous-negotiators-feature-in-top-negotiations-of-2012/


A passionate writer who loves reading self-help books!

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