Personal Statement adalah Kunci Beasiswa, Apa Rahasianya?

Mentoring Beasiswa – Saat kamu melamar program studi pascasarjana, profesi, atau beasiswa, kamu akan diminta memberikan sejumlah dokumen dan esai. Personal statement adalah salah satunya.

Personal statement dapat menjadi penentu apakah kamu layak menerima pendanaan beasiswa. Bagaimana tips menulis personal statement agar menonjol dibandingkan pelamar lainnya?

Personal Statement adalah

Personal statement diartikan sebagai pernyataan pribadi. Personal statement adalah esai yang menjelaskan pencapaian dan keahlian dalam bidang studi tertentu.

Termasuk di antaranya alasan memilih bidang studi, topik penelitian, dan kontribusi terhadap lingkup yang lebih luas melalui bidang tersebut.

Esai ini biasanya diminta saat mendaftar beasiswa, program pascasarjana, dan profesi. Umumnya personal statement ditulis sepanjang 2 halaman.

Perbedaan dengan Motivation Letter

Personal statement dan motivation letter memiliki tujuan yang berbeda, walaupun keduanya berupa esai yang menceritakan diri sendiri.

Personal statement bertujuan “mempromosikan” diri sendiri, ditunjukkan dengan alasan kamu adalah kandidat yang tepat.

Sementara itu motivation letter menjelaskan rencana studi di masa depan dan alasan studi tersebut dapat membantu kamu mencapai tujuan.

Topik Personal Statement

Kamu dapat mengangkat berbagai tema untuk dibahas dalam esai pribadi ini. Yang penting adalah tema tersebut selaras dengan bidang studimu.

Berikut contoh topik yang bisa kamu angkat.

  • Latar belakang pribadi.
  • Kesulitan yang berhasil dihadapi.
  • Mempertanyakan teori atau gagasan tertentu.
  • Masalah yang ditemui, baik dalam diri sendiri, bidang studi, maupun masyarakat beserta solusinya.
  • Pencapaian pribadi.
  • Topik atau gagasan yang menarik secara pribadi.

Baca juga: 8 Tips Membuat CV Beasiswa dan Contoh Template Format

Tips Menulis Personal Statement

Proses menulis esai tentang pernyataan pribadi tidak mudah. Setidaknya kamu membutuhkan satu bulan untuk menyusunnya. Sebaiknya kamu mulai membuat dari jauh-jauh hari sebelum deadline.

Latar belakang

Tentukan titik awal yang menjadi alasan kamu melanjutkan studi dalam bidang tersebut. Kamu dapat membuat beberapa alasan, lalu seleksi menjadi salah satu yang utama.

Contohnya peristiwa penting dalam hidup, kegiatan atau hobi, tokoh yang menginspirasi, atau pencapaian dalam hidup.

Membuat draft

Mulailah menulis apa adanya sepanjang beberapa paragraf. Apakah kamu merasa latar belakang yang disampaikan sudah cukup menarik? Jika belum, kamu dapat kembali ke proses awal, yakni mencari alasan yang tepat.


Tentukan pesan yang ingin kamu sampaikan melalui esai tersebut. Kalau kamu membuat esai untuk penerimaan beasiswa, kamu dapat menjelaskan bagaimana kamu dapat berkontribusi balik kepada mereka.

Gaya bahasa

Gunakan kata, istilah, atau frasa yang khas menggambarkan dirimu, seolah-olah kamu sedang berbicara secara langsung. Hal ini akan menambah keunikan pada esaimu.

Pastikan tata bahasa yang kamu gunakan tepat. Hindari menggunakan kosakata sulit yang tidak kamu pahami dengan pasti artinya.

Ungkapkan dengan cerita

Kamu dapat menyampaikan cerita yang berhubungan dengan bidang studi yang kamu pelajari. Tips ini akan membuat latar belakang kamu semakin kuat.


Perhatikan ketentuan yang ditetapkan universitas atau penyelenggara beasiswa. Umumnya mereka menetapkan batas jumlah kata dan format tertentu.

Edit dan revisi

Pastikan tidak ada kesalahan ejaan, tata bahasa, dan struktur kalimat. Kamu juga dapat meminta orang lain memberikan opini terhadap esai tersebut.

Contoh Personal Statement

Sudah punya gambaran esai personal statement? Simak contoh esai yang diunggah di University Compare berikut ini!

I have always been fascinated by the complex and elegant blend of science and art that cosmetics demonstrate. My passion to study cosmetics has evolved over time, from first wanting to create makeup products for aesthetic purposes to now wanting to develop lines of skincare products that can aid in the cure of skin diseases. Biochemistry is integral to cosmetic science, as it will provide me with the scientific background necessary to design products that will target skin cells directly and safely.

My aspiration to study biochemistry inspired me to read around the subject. When reading “Power, Sex, Suicide: Mitochondria and the Meaning of Life” by Nick Lane, I found Denham Harman’s mitochondrial theory of ageing and the idea that the rate of ageing and onset of degenerative diseases is determined by the rate of free-radical leakage from the mitochondria greatly intriguing. By furthering my knowledge of apoptosis and its implication for aging, I hope to further the technological advance to see skincare products that focus on protecting and repairing mitochondrial assaults on shelves in beauty supply stores worldwide. Whilst not only learning how I wish to increase the amount of biotechnological products in the cosmetic industry, I have also grown to appreciate the breadth of biological disciplines with which biochemistry overlaps. The recent court case of Charlie Gard caught my attention and led me to read about the disease that sadly led to his death, encephalomyopathy mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome. The fact that many diseases are caused by biochemical faults has inspired me to want to extend my knowledge of immunology, specifically disease diagnosis and vaccine development, as I believe that a greater understanding of syndromes will aid with the ability to find a cure for them.

I completed a week’s work experience at University of the Arts London, working alongside the university’s careers manager and the student recruitment team. One of my tasks was to analyze the data from the graduate questionnaires and to produce graphs relevant to each question, and thus derive conclusions from the results. I also aided with the organization and set up of the undergraduate interviews and open days, by designing boards that informed prospective students of what the course entailed in an educational yet artistic way.

In addition to my academic achievements, I have a large range of interests, including creating prosthetic makeup looks. Through this hobby I have been able to visit Pinewood Studios to shadow Bafta award winning makeup artist Shauna Harrison. I apply the same ethics of hard work and determination to both my studies and my artwork. A high attention to accuracy is required to seamlessly apply prosthetics to one’s face; this precision has since been translated into my lab work, increasing my accuracy and striving for perfection when completing practical experiments. Over the past two years, I have enjoyed the challenge of balancing my studies with the demanding job of teaching young children to swim. I feel my job has developed my responsibility skills by ensuring safety standards are followed in sessions and that the necessary risk assessments have been undertaken. To ensure the students are successful in achieving their swimming awards, continuous enthusiasm, perseverance and strong communication between the students and parents is vital. I have completed my Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh Awards and am currently undertaking my Gold. The expeditions have tested me both physically and mentally, and have taught me how to be self-sufficient. Being the team director of my NCS team encouraged me to lead and work with new people, which I believe are the skills necessary to work in a laboratory environment.

I would relish the opportunity to study the rapidly advancing industry of Biochemistry at university, to gain the knowledge I wish to transfer into the cosmetic products I one-day hope to design.

Mentoring Beasiswa, Mulai Langkahmu Studi di Luar Negeri

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Picture of Brigitta Winasis
Brigitta Winasis
A lifetime learner, a magical world wanderer through books and stories. Writing for professional purposes and personal interests.

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