Lengkap! Yuk Simak Pengertian dan Contoh Possessive Pronoun

bahasa Inggris possessive pronoun

Pernah dengar istilah possessive pronoun? Yap! Possessive pronoun adalah salah satu materi penting bahasa Inggris yang mesti dikuasai di awal proses belajar lho. Simak penjelasan materi possessive pronoun di bawah ini!

pengertian possessive pronoun

Pengertian Possessive Pronoun

Kata ganti posesif untuk menunjukkan bahwa sesuatu benda adalah milik seseorang (something belongs to someone). Beberapa kata ganti posesif adalah my, our, your, his, her, its, dan them. Ada juga bentuk “independen” dari masing-masing kata ganti ini: mine, ours, yours, his, hers, its, and theirs.

Kata ganti posesif menyederhanakan pola yang menunjukkan kepemilikan kata benda. Masih bingung? Coba perhatikan pola dua kalimat berikut ini!

Jane takes pride in Jane’s outfits. (Jane bangga dengan pakaian Jane)

Jane takes pride in her outfits. (Jane bangga dengan pakaiannya)

Pada kalimat pertama, terdapat dua kata ‘Jane‘ dalam kalimat ini dan membingungkan, bukan? Sedangkan setelah menggunakan possessive pronoun, kata Jane diganti dengan kata ‘her’ yang lebih umum digunakan di negara Inggris.

Independent Possessive Pronoun

Independent possessive pronouns atau disebut absolute possessive pronouns.

My phone is dead. Pass me yours. Did you know that Labrador is mine? The house on the corner is theirs.

Contoh Kalimat Possessive Pronoun

My plane is delayed.

Your dinner is ready.

Could you bring his tea out to him?

Remember not to judge a book by its cover.

I would have knocked on their door, but I heard their baby crying.

Soal Possessive Pronoun

Untuk menguasai materi possessive pronoun, kamu bisa coba mengerjakan beberapa soal latihan di bawah ini.

  1. That book belongs to those kids. That book is _____________.
  2. This bicycle belongs to my neighbor Bill. This bicycle is  _____________.
  3. This scarf belongs to my aunt Tina. This scarf is _____________.
  4. This toy belongs to you. This toy is _____________.
  5. This apartment belongs to me and my cousin. This apartment is _____________.
  6. These mittens belong to my mother. These mittens are _____________.
  7. Those cookies belong to my sister’s friends. Those cookies are _____________.
  8. These suitcases belong to you and your wife. These suitcases are _____________.
  9. That pillow belongs to me. That pillow is _____________.
  10. That lamp belongs to my aunt and uncle. That lamp is _____________.


A passionate writer who loves reading self-help books!

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