
Job Applicaton Letter: Pengertian, Struktur, dan Contohnya

job application letter

Saat menulis surat lamaran kerja, penting untuk memperhatikan formatnya. Ada cara yang tepat untuk memformat surat lamaran; dan tidak boleh sembarangan. Hal ini karena menyimpang dari pedoman standar dan manajer perekrutan dapat manjatuhkan penilaian kita.

Faktanya, apapun alasan dibalik surat lamaran pekerjaan yang kurang profesional akan membuat diri kita dianggap tidak serius dalam melamar posisi pekerjaan tersebut. Sehingga bisa jadi nama kita pun akan tercoreng dan diambil alih kandidat lainnya. Untuk menghindari kejadian seperti itu, pastikan surat lamaran sudah diformat dengan benar dan bebas dari kesalahan sebelum dikirim. Berikut Lister sudah merangkum pengertian, struktur, dan contoh surat lamaran pekerjaan dalam bahasa Inggris khusus untuk kamu!

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Pengertian Application Letter

Surat lamaran adalah nama lain dari cover letter, surat bisnis resmi sering disertakan dengan lamaran pekerjaan dan/atau resume dan dikirim kepada calon pemberi kerja).

Menurut Colorado State University, tujuan utama jenis teks ini adalah untuk mendapatkan pelamar di pintu wawancara dan harus ditulis dengan cukup baik untuk menarik perhatian dan minat orang yang dituju dengan kekuatan untuk merekomendasikannya.

Struktur Application Letter

Heading : Surat lamaran harus dimulai dengan informasi kontak dan seseorang/organisasi yang dituju (nama, alamat, nomor telepon, email) diikuti dengan tanggal).

The Salutation:

Dear, Mr.Albertur Guntur

Head of Human Resourches PT Lister Teknologi Edukasi

Body of the Letter:

Opening Paragraph: Berisi maksud pelamar mengutarakan posisi yang diinginkan.


I am writing to apply for the…..

I wish to apply for the position as a ….

I am interested in applying for …. 

Midle Paragrapgh: Bagian yang enceritakan secara ringkas tentang pengalaman/pendidikan/keterampilan/kelebihan yang pelamar miliki.

Closing Paragraph: Bagian untuk mengisi harapan dan ucapan terima kasih.


I hope my qualifications and working experiences could be your consideration and look forward to your reply.

I am very much willing to come over for a personal interview with you anytime during office hours

If you need any further information, you may contact me at 047.791.2991.  I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Complimentary Close ( Salam Penutup): Best / Sincerely / Sincerely yours / Faithfully / Respectfully yours, followed by your name.

Signature(Tanda Tangan)

Catatan: Dalam membuat job application letter, sebaiknya gunakan present tense, future tense, dan action verbal.

Contoh Application Letter

Lee Jimenez
483 Apple Street
New York, NY 10001
(212) 555-8965

September 15, 2019

Sarah Jenkins
Rogers Consulting
901 Main Street
New York, NY 10001

Dear Ms. Jenkins,

I am reaching out to you regarding the posting for the human resources consultant position I found on Indeed.com. I have a great interest in this position and would appreciate your consideration as a candidate for the role.

In my previous experience, I worked in human resources departments to provide support across several different industries. I have worked in my current role as a human resources generalist for the past four years. Prior to this job, I worked as a human resources assistant for two years, which shows my ability to advance in my career.

I have a strong passion for helping others, which is why I have found such fulfillment in human resources, providing support to my fellow employees and assisting them in ways that benefit them both personally and professionally. I also enjoy looking for solutions to common HR problems, which I feel would be a great asset in the position with your company. Since this consultant position works directly with multiple clients, assisting them in their human resources needs, I believe my innovative nature and strong skill set will help me succeed.

I have strong communication skills, which are vital to success in the HR field. I also have a bachelor’s degree in human resources from Arizona State University. Throughout my education, I worked with skilled human resources professionals who have shared their insights and experience with me. Some of my strongest skills include my ability to increase employee retention through the improvement of company culture and to develop training and education programs to ensure all employees have access to the information they need to succeed and comply with legal requirements.

I appreciate your time in reviewing this letter and hope to hear from you in regard to the next steps in the hiring process. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Lee Jimenez

Demikian pembahasan tentang surat lamaran pekerjaan dalam bahasa Inggris sebagai referensi kamu yang sedang membuat surat ini. Semoga membantu ya!

Sekarang, kamu juga bisa belajar membuat surat lamaran pekerjaan, cara mengirim email, report dalam bahasa Inggris di kelas Business Writing Lister loh. Dapatkan pengalaman belajar yang menyenangkan. Daftar sekarang!


How to write an application letter – https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/finding-a-job/how-to-write-an-application-letter-for-a-job


A passionate writer who loves reading self-help books!

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