
Hortatory Exposition: Struktur, Fitur, dan Contoh

hortatory exposition

Hortatory Exposition adalah sebuah teks yang digunakan untuk memberitahu kepada seseorang tentang sesuatu yang tidak boleh dilakukan.

Sudahkah kamu memahami teks ini? yuk belajar teks hortatory lebih lengkap bersama Lister. Kamu juga bisa ikut kursus bahasa Inggris Lister untuk mendalaminya!

Apa itu Hortatory Exposition?

Hortatory exposition adalah jenis teks tertulis atau lisan yang bertujuan menjelaskan kepada pembaca atau pendengar bahwa sesuatu harus atau tidak boleh dilakukan.

Tujuan utama dari hortatory exposition adalah meyakinkan pembaca atau pendengar untuk melakukan atau tidak melakukan sesuatu.

Untuk memberi penekanan, penulis atau pembicara harus memberikan argumen sebagai pendukung. Dengan kata lain, teks ini dapat disebut sebagai argumentasi.

Hortatory exposition dapat ditemukan di buku ilmiah, jurnal, majalah, artikel surat kabar, kuliah akademik, laporan ilmiah, dan lain-lain. Hortatory exposition populer di dunia sains dan komunitas akademik.

Apa perbedaannya dengan analytical exposition? Hortatory exposition turut menyertakan solusi dari masalah yang dibicarakan, sedangkan analytical exposition hanya berhenti sampai di argumen.

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Struktur umum dari teks hortatory exposition

Bagaimana generic structure dari hortatory exposition? Berikut penjelasannya.

1. Thesis

Pada bagian thesis, disampaikan masalah yang menjadi perhatian penulis atau pembicara.

Di bagian ini penulis akan menyinggung tentang apa yang akan ditulis dan menjadi topik utama, menjelaskan pentingnya teks tersebut.

2. Arguments

Pada bagian arguments, dijelaskan alasan yang mendukung masalah yang menjadi perhatian. Setiap paragraf mengandung satu argumen yang didukung rincian.

Penulis atau pembicara menggunakan kata-kata yang membangkitkan emosi.

3. Recommendation

Pada bagian recommendation, penulis atau pembicara menyampaikan solusi dari masalah tersebut. Contohnya apa yang harus atau tidak boleh dilakukan.

Fitur Kebahasaan Hortatory Exposition

Hortatory exposition mengandung lexicogrammatical features sebagai berikut.

  • Fokus pada partisipan manusia dan bukan-manusia.
  • Menggunakan present tense.
  • Menggunakan konjungsi.
  • Menggunakan kata benda abstrak.
  • Menggunakan kata kerja aksi.
  • Menggunakan kata penghubung waktu.
  • Menggunakan modal auxiliaries.

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Contoh Hortatory Exposition Text Bahasa Inggris

Setelah mengetahui definisi dan struktur hortatory exposition, saatnya memahami contohnya.

Why Cheating in School is A Serious Problem

Students’ cheating is one of the biggest problems faced by teachers nowadays. Despite the fact that teachers advise their students not to do dishonest acts during tests, some students still cheat. There are many kinds of cheating that students do during the test or examination, such as looking at other students’ work, putting some notes under their clothes, writing notes or formulas on their desks, making hand signals, or go to restrooms to get the answers from their friends.

In my view, students who cheat are committing a crime. It is a sort of taking something illegally. This crime causes negative results to the students. Students who always cheat deteriorate their mental capacity. Cheating acts also create dependence. They weaken their self confidence. Instead of preparing for the coming test, they are busy to organize notes on a piece of paper. If this awful habit continues, the students will lose their opportunity to develop their intellectual and mind.

Therefore, school should consider cheating as a very serious problem. School board and administration should go hand to overcome this matter. Honesty must be put in school’s vision. Harsh punishment must be applied to students who commit this crime.

The Importance of Recycling

Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I want to talk to you about the urgent need for us to embrace recycling as a fundamental practice in our lives. Recycling is not just a trend; it is a responsibility we hold towards our environment and future generations.

First and foremost, recycling helps to conserve our natural resources. Every time we recycle paper, plastic, or metal, we save raw materials and energy needed to produce new products. For example, recycling one ton of paper can save 17 trees, 7,000 gallons of water, and enough electricity to power an average home for six months. This is a simple yet effective way to reduce our consumption of valuable resources.

Moreover, recycling significantly reduces waste in landfills. Landfills are often overloaded, leading to environmental issues such as air pollution, soil contamination, and greenhouse gas emissions. By recycling, we can drastically decrease the amount of waste that ends up in these sites. This, in turn, protects our ecosystems and wildlife, ensuring a healthier planet for all living beings.

Additionally, recycling supports the economy. It creates jobs in the recycling and manufacturing industries. From collection and processing to the manufacturing of new products, each phase generates employment opportunities. When we choose to recycle, we support a sustainable economy, one that benefits our communities and future.

I urge each one of you to make recycling a part of your daily routine. Start small—separate your waste at home, educate your friends and family about its importance, and participate in local recycling programs. Together, we can make a significant impact on our environment.

In conclusion, recycling is not merely an option; it is an essential practice that we must adopt. Let us take action today for a better tomorrow. If we all play our part, we can preserve our planet and ensure that future generations inherit a world that is healthy and thriving.

Thank you.

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Brigitta Winasis
Brigitta Winasis
A lifetime learner, a magical world wanderer through books and stories. Writing for professional purposes and personal interests.

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