
English for Academic Purposes Materials: Materi, Buku, dan Silabus (Lengkap)

English for academic purposes Lister

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Materi English for Academic Purposes

Apa saja yang akan kita dapatkan jika belajar English for Academic Purposes?

Dalam buku yang ditulis oleh Adrian Wallwork berjudul, “English for Academic Correspondence2nd edition menjelaskan materi apa saja yang menjadi pembelajaran English for Academic Purposes.

Structuring the content or an email, Salutations, Building a Relationship and Deciding the Level of Formality, Language, Translating and Spelling, Requests and Replies, Cover letters for summer school/internships/placements/Erasmus, References letters, Brief Notes on Writing Research Proposals and Research Statements, How to Criticize Constructively, Writing a Peer Review, Writing a Reply to the Reviewers’ Reports, Communicating with the Editor, Useful Phrases, Tense Usage.

English for Academic Purposes Textbooks

Jika saat ini kamu juga sedang mencari referensi buku/textbooks yang membahas mengenai English for Academic Purposes. Di bawah ini adalah referensi buku yang layak kamu pakai!


– Oxford EAP (B1-C1) – Headway Academic Skills (4 Levels)

DELTA Publishing

– Collins Academic Skills (B2+)

ABAX ELT Publishers

– Academic Listening & Speaking 1 (A2)

– Academic Listening & Speaking 2 (B1)


– English for Academics (B1, B2, BrE)

– Skills & Language for Study (B1-C1)

– Cambridge Academic English (B1-C1, Int)

DELTA Publishing

– DELTA Academic Objectives: Listening-Note Taking Skills (B2-C1)

-DELTA Academic Objectives: Reading Skills (B2-C1)

– DELTA Academic Objectives: Writing (B2-C1)

GARNET Education

– English for Academic Study (B2-C2)

– English Skills University (A1-A2)

– English for Specific Academic Purposes (B2-C2)

English for Academic Purposes Syllabus

Selanjutnya, untuk contoh silabus English for Academic Purposes, kamu bisa menggunakan referensi seperti di bawah ini!

Course Syllabus: Text Study EN1135

Learning Outcomes
On completion of the course students should be able to:
– explain the content of various types of non-fiction, academic and scientific texts, literary works, and films in English at the level expected for English-mediu university studies
– demonstrate an understanding and awareness of different linguistic registers
– demonstrate the ability to critically evaluate texts and their intended function and reliability
– demonstrate the ability to communicate, using spoken and written English, their own interpretation of texts.
Course Content
In the course a number of academic, non-fiction and fiction texts and films originally written in English are studied. In addition, important textual and analytical concepts and terms are introduced. In this way the students develop their ability to approach and discuss different
texts critically and analytically in English.
The course consists of five modules:

Introduction to Non-Fiction, 1.5 Credits
Several different types of non-fiction texts, such as newspapers and government documents, are discussed and compared. Students learn how to read the texts in a critical way and consider concepts such as the author’s degree of objectivity and use of register.
Short Fiction, 1.5 Credits
Students are introduced to the basic elements of fiction and explore these through reading, discussing and writing about poetry, short stories, films and children’s books.
Scientific and Academic Writing, 1.5 Credits
Students are introduced to academic and scientific texts from several different subject areas. Attention is drawn to the structures and signal phrases commonly used in such texts.
The Novel, 1.5 Credits
Students continue to explore the elements of fiction (introduced in module 2) by reading, discussing and writing about a short novel.
Critical Reading and Written and Oral Analysis, 1.5 Credits
Students build on and demonstrate the concepts learned in modules 1-4 to present their analyses of several different texts in writing and in oral presentations.
Written assignments, continuous assessment of active participation in seminars, and oral presentations.

Forms of Study
Obligatory seminars including group discussion, lectures and self-study. All teaching is conducted in English.
Course Literature
A number of texts will be provided in PDF form or via links to online sources. You should have your own copy of the following texts:

  1. They Say / I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing (Third Edition) by G. Graff (2014).
  2. Wilderness, by R. Doyle (2011). Some tips for understanding new text

4 ways to read a text:
1) Skimming
Quickly reading a text to get a general idea of what it is about. For example, you might skim a newspaper until you find an article you want to read.
2) Scanning
Looking through a particular text for a certain word or phrase or information. For example, looking for a name or a statistic.
3) Intensive reading
Reading and really understanding a whole text. For example, when you read a novel you enjoy.
4) Extensive reading
Going beyond reading and understanding the actual text in order to analyze it. For example, when you think about who the intended audience for the text is and what the author’s motives were.

3 ways to understand new words in a text:
1) Context
You figure out the word’s meaning by looking at the rest of the words in the sentence.
For example:
– My uncle was a nomad, a wanderer who never had a permanent home. (synonym)
– She loved Brian deeply, but she absolutely despised his brother, Adam. (antonym)
– The scientist removed the treatise from the shelf and began reading it. (association between object and purpose)

2) Analysis of the word itself. You can break a word up into smaller parts (smallest part = morpheme).
For example: incurable = in + cure + able

3) Look them up in a dictionary. Look at all of the possible definitions to be sure you
choose the correct word.

GVGBasic of assessment
The student participates actively in all seminar discussions and completes all written/recorded/presentation assignments before the end of the term.The student comes on time, participates enthusiastically in all seminar discussions and completes all written/recorded/presentation assignments on or before the due date.Seminar attendance, punctuality and observance of due dates
The student explains the content of various types of non-fiction, academic and scientific texts, literary works, and films inEnglish at the level expected for studies at the English G1 university level.The student performs with considerable linguistic skills. Her/his reading, writing and oral performance is clearly above the level needed for the English G1 university level.Seminar discussions and written assignments
The student demonstrates an understanding and awareness of different linguistic registers.The student is able to accurately identify different kinds of texts out of context based on linguistic features.Seminar discussions, written assignments, and/or written exams
The student demonstrates the ability to critically evaluate texts and their intended function and reliabilityThe student is able to produce sophisticated analyses of texts that demonstrate advanced critical thinking abilities.Seminar discussions, written assignments, and/or written exams
The student demonstrates the ability to communicate, using spoken and written English, her/his own interpretation of texts.The student’s interpretations of texts are nuanced and original.Seminar discussions and written assignments


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