Contoh Memo dalam Bahasa Inggris yang Baik dan Benar

Memo dalam bahasa Inggris

Contoh memo dalam bahasa Inggris adalah teks singkat tentang suatu hal yang ditujukan kepada seseorang atau banyak orang. Dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris, kamu juga akan mempelajari bagaimana cara menulis memo yang baik dan benar. Dalam menulis memo, kamu harus memperhatikan beberapa bagian, seperti tanggal, nama orang yang dituju, isi memo, dan lain sebagainya yang penting untuk diketahui.

Bagian-bagian apa saja yang termasuk dalam sebuah memo?
• to: (nama penerima memo)
• from: (nama pengirim memo)
• date: (hari dan tanggal pelaksanaan)
• subject: (hal atau pokok pembahasan)
• content:(isi memo yang akan disampaikan)

Contoh Memo dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

To : Amelia Baruna, S. Pd
From : Azar Ahmad M. Pd
Date : February 25, 2016
Subject: Proposal of International Educational Conference

During the next month starting on March 2nd, we are going to conduct a conference titled International Educational Conference. This conference will be attended by 54 representatives from 27 countries. The conference will discuss about the methods in teaching and training for teachers. Please kindly send me the proposal related to this event to my room today as soon as possible.


Kepada : Amelia Baruna, S.Pd
Dari : Azar Ahmad M.Pd
Tanggal : 25 Februari 2016
Subjek : Proposal Konferensi Pendidikan Internasional

Selama bulan depan mulai tanggal 2 Maret, kita akan mengadakan konferensi bertema Konferensi Pendidikan Internasional. Konferensi ini akan dihadiri oleh 54 perwakilan dari 27 negara. Konferensi akan membahas tentang metode pengajaran dan pelatihan bagi guru. Mohon kirimkan proposal yang terkait dengan acara ini ke ruangan saya hari ini sesegera mungkin.

Contoh Memo dalam Bahasa Inggris Tentang Sekolah

Sample Memo to School Staff

To: All school staff

From: (Administrator)

Subject: Wellness Policy Implementation

I’m very pleased to announce the formation of our school Wellness Policy Team, chaired by (name/title). The team is charged with leading the implementation of our school wellness policy, which addresses school meals, nutrition education, physical activity and all foods available at school. The team will be recommending ways to provide nutritious yet tasty food options so that students and staff can choose healthier foods for their meals and snacks. We are also looking at ways to increase opportunities for physical activity. Studies have demonstrated that a program of regular physical activity results in a reduction in disruptive behaviors in the classroom and an increase in students’ time on task.

Congress passed legislation in 2004 requiring all schools that participate in federal child nutrition programs to develop local wellness policies and have them in place by the beginning of the 2006-07 school year.  With the release of the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act (HHFKA) of 2010, new regulations require schools to implement the policies they set, monitor and evaluate the policies, and periodically update the community on the status on the policy.

The policy encompasses nutrition education, nutrition promotion, physical education, physical activity, healthy fundraising, and competitive foods. Our school board adopted the district wellness policy on (date), and now it’s time to implement it.

Our wellness policy is a very positive and exciting step for our school. Studies show a direct connection between a child’s health status and academic achievement. The fact is, many children in our society have poor eating habits and don’t get enough exercise. Obesity rates have skyrocketed in recent years, along with increases in Type 2 diabetes and other chronic diseases. By improving our school’s health environment and practices, we will be improving our students’ health and achievement.

Wellness is a team effort involving everyone in our school community. I encourage you to support and get involved in the implementation activities of our wellness policy.

Other members of the Wellness Policy Team include: (names and titles). The team meets monthly and you are invited to attend. The next meeting will be held (01/03/2022/13.00 p.m) at (Graha Office).For more information, call Miss Ika (2345611).

We will have regular reports from the Wellness Policy Team at staff meetings. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Contoh Memo dalam Bahasa Inggris Tentang Teman


Interoffice Memo

From: Human Resources

To: All Office Personnel

Re: Office Friendship

Friendship is really important. Having best buddies is really important too. Some people in this office do not seem to know this. They should. It’s so important. Some people in this office try really hard to be friends with the other people but those other people don’t wanna be friends back. What can be more important than having a best friend? Having a best friend is a way to get through life. Nothing is more important than having a best friend. If you’re having a bad day a friend can make you smile and that is really really important. You can text your best friend and say, “What up, homie?” and then he can text you back.

Let’s all try to make more of an effort to be friends in the office.

Some of Brian’s coworkers have filed complaints with HR about him. One of them, Lance Tillingsworth, said that Brian has been texting him at all hours of the day and night and frequently uses the phrase, “What’s up, homie?”, leading people to believe that Brian wrote the memo.

While he can come on a little strong, Brian does have some valuable points to make about the importance of friendship.


Picture of Fatimatuzuhroh
A passionate writer who loves reading self-help books!

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