
Academic English Writing: Langkah Awal Raih Kesuksesan Global

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Dalam Academic Writing Test Task 1, terdapat beberapa kriteria yang hendaknya dipenuhi oleh peserta tes IELTS bagian writing, diantaranya adalah Task Achievement, Coherence and Cohesion, Lexical Resource, dan Grammatical Range and Accuracy.

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Contoh Soal Academic Writing, Pembahasan dan Jawabannya

Contoh soal, jawaban, dan pembahasan yang terdapat dalam bagian Academic Writing IELTS Test, bisa kamu simak di bawah ini!

Candidate 1 Part 1

The chart gives you information on how children travelled to and from school in the years 1990 and 2010. The modes of transport were by car, walking, cycling, walking and by bus and by bus only. A striking feature in this chart is that the number of children who travelled by car has increased from 1990 to 2010. In 1990 the most number of trips per year by children were by walking. However in 2010 it reduced to up to 6 million trips per year. The total number of trips to school by cycling and walking and bus were approximately 6 million in 1990.

However the number of trips to school by cycling reduced to 2 million and the number of trip to school by walking and bus reduced to about 3 million in 2010. There isn’t a significant change to the number of trips to school by bus. In 1990 it was about 7 million and in 2010 it
came down to approximately 5 million In 1990 the amount of children who travelled to and from school by car was significantly lower than the children who travelled by walking. In contrast in 2010 the number of children who travelled to school by car increased and the number of children walking to school has decreased. In 2010 children travelled to school by bus more than they cycled to school

Komentar dari penguji

Band 5.5

The key features are all covered, but reporting is somewhat mechanical and data is provided to support only some of the descriptions. The response also lacks an overview. Information and ideas are generally arranged coherently, though this is lost towards the end of the response. Cohesive devices are used effectively and there is a clear progression overall. The range of vocabulary is both adequate and appropriate and spelling is accurate, but there is insufficient flexibility and not enough use of less common vocabulary to justify a higher band. There is a mix of simple and complex sentence structures, used fairly accurately, but again, there is not a wide enough variety of structures to achieve a higher band.

Candidate 2 Part 1

The statistice show the number of tripe mad by children in one country over the past to years to travel to end from school using different modes of transport. children walking (13 million) are the by far highset, while, the children use bus (7 million) are a bit higher than the children use car in 1990. However, The children use car (11 million) in 2010 significant higher than The children use bus (5 million) in 2010. In contrest, The children walking (6 million) are Twice as high as the children use cycling (3 million) in 2010. overall, At the end priod there were 12,000,000 children walking in 1990, 11,000,000 children use care in 2010 and 5,000,000 children use bus.

Komentar dari penguji

Band 3.5

The test taker attempts to address the task, but not all the key features are covered (there is no reference to the ‘walking and bus’ category). The response is also significantly under-length. The Task Achievement rating is affected by these deficiencies. Information is presented, but it is difficult to identify organisation and there is no clear progression within the response. There are some cohesive devices but these are not always used accurately. The range of vocabulary is basic and tends to be used repetitively. There is limited control over spelling, and errors are noticeable throughout. A limited range of sentence forms is used and although some structures are produced accurately, errors are frequent.

Candidate 3 Part 1

Recently, there have been a lot of discussions about health and whether it is going to improve or not. In my opinion, I think that people will become unhealthier in the future than they are now. There are many reasons that support the idea of people becoming unhealthy in the future. Firstly, one reason is that of food. People tend to eat more fast food nowadays. They tend to treat themselves with sweets and chocolate whenever they want. This appears to be because people are busier now than they used to be. So, people don’t have a chance to
cook or even learn the art of cookery. Also, having a lot of unhealthy food can lead to obesity and it could be a serious issue in the future. Another reason is that technology is developing everyday. Young people enjoy buying new gadgets and the latest devices

This has a negative impact on their health, especially when they enjoy video games. Spending long hours looking at a screen can lead to bad eyesight and obesity as well. Yet another reason is that laziness is a big issue. Different forms of exercise might disappear in the future because people don’t like sports. Also, people prefer spending most of their time on the internet and the internet is growing every single day. Other people might disagree and say that health will improve in the future.

They believe that new sports and new ways to exercise will appear in the future. However, I don’t think it can happen since the majority of people spend less time outdoors. Moreover, other people believe that technology will try and help people improve their health. For example, there have been some games released on the Wii console that makes people exercise but technology is developing more in a negative way. For instance, many phone industries are developing new applications everyday and today’s generation likes to follow every trend. This prevents people to go outside to exercise. They like to spend more time on the internet downloading new programmes or reading gossips about celebraties. This affects people’s health badly. In conclusion, I believe that people’s health is affected negatively by fast food, technology and sports and it will be a problem in the future.

Komentar dari penguji

Band 7.5

The test taker presents a clear position at the outset and explores some ideas to support this. An alternative position is also considered, but rejected. This is a strong response, but there is rather too much emphasis on technology: other aspects of the proposition could also be considered, e.g. less physical work and more sedentary work, greater reliance on cars meaning less exercise, aging populations in some countries leading to more complex health issues.

Ideas are organized logically and there is a clear progression throughout the response, with good use of cohesive devices and logical paragraphing. The response could perhaps be improved by breaking down paragraphs 2 and 3. There is a wide range of vocabulary with good use of less common items as well as evidence of higher level features, such as ‘softening’, e.g. ‘They tend to’, ‘This appears to be’, and ‘might disagree’. Errors in spelling and word formation are rare. There is also a variety of complex structures with frequent error-free sentences, though some errors do occur and there is some overuse of rather short sentence forms.


A passionate writer who loves reading self-help books!

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