10 Ucapan Kenaikan Isa Almasih dalam Bahasa Inggris

lister blog juni 2022 ucapan kenaikan isa almasih jesus christ

Hari Kenaikan dirayakan setiap tahun di seluruh dunia oleh komunitas kristen pada hari Kamis, empat puluh setelah Paskah. Hal ini juga dikenal sebagai Hari Raya Kenaikan Yesus Kristus, Kenaikan Kamis atau Kamis Putih yang memperingati kepercayaan Kristen dari Kenaikan tubuh Yesus ke surga.

Sebagai umat Kristiani dan pembelajar bahasa Inggris, apakah kamu sudah tahu ucapan kenaikan Isa Almasih dalam bahasa Inggris untuk keluarga dan sahabat di perayaan nanti?

Bagi kamu yang merayakan Kenaikan Isa Almasih atau Kenaikan Yesus Kristus ke langit menuju surga. Di bawah ini ada ucapan-ucapan Kenaikan Isa Almasih dalam bahasa Inggris, agar Perayaan Isa Almasih semakin bermakna bersama teman-teman dan keluarga.

Ascension Day Wishes & Greetings

1. His Ascension was to make us understand that he exists. He is the one that is seeing everything. Let’s take an oath today that we shall never do anything that is against his will. – Happy Ascension Day!
2. Jesus left not exclusively to set up a place for us, with the goal that it will be prepared for us as one by one we go home, however to set us up for the place, to fit us for radiant delights and grand administration. – Happy Ascension Day!
3. As the ascension day is upon us, the lord is looking at all of us trying to be our best as it is the only way we all can be with him. – Happy Ascension Day!
4. It signaled the end of His earthly ministry. God the Father had lovingly sent His Son into the world at Bethlehem, and now the Son was returning to the Father. The period of human limitation was at an end.
5. On this big day, I pray that may Jesus give you all the happiness and all the love that you deserve in life. – Happy Ascension Day!

6. I am so happy to reveal to you that Jesus has dependably been with us and we ought to never fear anyone since Jesus will dependably be with us. – Happy Ascension Day!
7. It was such an extraordinary day when Jesus was heading towards the paradise. Lets’ commemorate this day with great wishes and love.

8. On Ascension Day, May the blessings of Lord always shine upon you and fill with the clarity you need to improve the life you have been living.
9. On this Ascension Day, It gives me great joy to tell you that the ascension of Jesus was his way to make us understand that the Lord exists.
10. Jesus was beamed into ascension to show us there is another level up, which we call the life after death. May we all attain his creation.

11. The disciples of Lord do need to speculate what heaven would look like as it is enough to know that we will be in the presence of God. – Happy Ascension Day!

Itulah ulasan mengenai ucapan kenaikan Isa Al-Masih yang bisa kamu jadikan referensi belajar bahasa Inggris. Semoga bermanfaat ya. Jangan lupa untuk selalu upgrade kemampuan bahasa Inggris yang kamu punya dengan gabung di Kursus Bahasa Inggris Lister. Yuk daftar sekarang!

Source: https://www.quoteslove.xyz/2020/05/happy-ascension-day-wishes-quotes-greetings-messages-meaning-images-pictures-photos.html


Picture of Fatimatuzuhroh
A passionate writer who loves reading self-help books!

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