Kursus Vocabulary Building – Sudah tahukah kamu, apa saja nama pekerjaan bahasa Inggris? Pekerjaan atau profesi dalam bahasa Inggris itu sendiri disebut dengan profession atau occupation.
Bagaimana dengan jenis-jenis atau nama-nama pekerjaan dalam bahasa Inggris? Berikut daftar dan artinya agar kamu mengetahui macam-macam profesi yang ada di dunia.
50 Nama Pekerjaan Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya
Occupation | Meaning | Pekerjaan |
Accountant | a person that works with the money and accounts of a company | Akuntan |
Actor/Actress | a person that acts in a play or a movie | Aktor/Aktris |
Architect | a person that designs buildings | Arsitek |
Astronomer | a person that studies the space and the universe | Astronom |
Author | a person that writes books, novels, or articles | Penulis |
Baker | a person that makes bread and cakes and sells them | Tukang roti |
Butcher | a person that cuts meat and sells it in their shop | Tukang daging |
Carpenter | a person that makes furnitures from wood | Tukang kayu |
Chef/Cook | a person that prepared food, often in a restaurant or café | Koki |
Cleaner | a person that cleans or tidies an area or place, such as in an office or a house | Tukang bersih-bersih |
Dentist | a qualified person that helps fixing your teeth problem | Dokter gigi |
Designer | a person that has the job of designing things | Desainer |
Doctor | a person that has the job of designing things | Dokter |
Driver | a person that drives car, bus, or truck | Sopir |
Electrician | a person that works with electric circuits | Teknisi listrik |
Engineer | a person that develops solutions to technical problems, including designing, building, or maintaining engines, machines, structures, or public works | Insinyur |
Factory worker | a person that works in a factory | Buruh pabrik |
Farmer | a person that works on a farm | Petani |
Fire fighter | a person that puts out fires | Pemadam kebakaran |
Fisherman | a person that catches fish and sells them | Nelayan |
Flight attendant | a person that looks after passengers in a plane | Pramugari/Pramugara |
Florist | a person that arranges flowers and sells them | Penjual bunga |
Gardener | a person that keeps gardens clean and tidy by taking care the plants in the garden | Tukang kebun |
Hairdresser | a person that cuts your hair or gives it a new style | Penata rambut |
Journalist | a person that reports public occasions in writing or through television | Jurnalis |
Judge | a qualified person that decides cases in a law court | Hakim |
Lawyer | a person that defends people in court and gives legal advice | Pengacara |
Lecturer | a person that gives lectures, usually in a university | Dosen |
Librarian | a person that works in a library | Pustakawan |
Lifeguard | a person that saves lives where people swim, usually at a beach or swimming pool | Penjaga pantai/penjaga kolam renang |
Mechanic | a person that repairs machines in cars or motors | Montir |
Model | a person that models clothes and accessories | Model |
Nurse | a person that helps a doctor to look after patients | Perawat |
Painter | a person that paints pictures or buildings | Tukang cat |
Pharmacist | a qualified person that works with and dispenses medicine | Apoteker |
Photographer | a person that takes photos | Fotografer |
Pilot | a person that flies a plane | Pilot |
Plumber | a person that repairs water system or pipes | Tukang pipa |
Politician | a person that works in politics | Politisi |
Police officer | a member of the police force that preventing crime | Polisi |
Postman | a person that is at the reception (entrance) of a company or hotel | Tukang pos |
Receptionist | a person that does research and doing science experiments | Resepsionis |
Scientist | a person that does research and doing science experiments | Ilmuwan |
Secretary | a person that types letters, keeps records, and takes care of administration | Sekretaris |
Shop assistant | a person that works in a shop or store selling products | Penjaga toko |
Soldier | a person that works for the army | Tentara |
Tailor | a person that makes clothes for others, also produces exclusive items of clothing | Penjahit |
Teacher | a person that passes knowledge to students, usually at school | Guru |
Veterinary doctor (Vet) | a qualified person t hat looks after sick animals | Dokter hewan |
Waiter/Waitress | a person that works in a food outlet, looks after customers, and serves food | Pramuniaga |
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Kursus Vocabulary Building Bantu Kamu Makin Percaya Diri
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