Contoh Modul Kursus Speaking Bahasa Inggris: Materi dan Soal

modul kursus speaking bahasa inggris

Ingin menggunakan bahasa Inggris layaknya penutur asli? Kamu bisa meningkatkan kepercayaan diri dengan mengikuti Kursus Speaking Bahasa Inggris.

Dalam kursus speaking, digunakan modul untuk menuntun proses pembelajaran. Di dalam modul terdapat berbagai materi dan latihan soal untuk melatih siswa semakin fasih berbicara bahasa Inggris.

Berikut ini contoh modul kursus speaking bahasa Inggris yang digunakan di Lister.

Speaking – Keeping a conversation going

Part 1

Imagine you are speaking to someone at a party. Make one follow-up question for each of these statements.

a. I’ve lived here for five years now.

b. I work in Manchester.

c. I’m going on holiday soon.

d. I went to Paris last week.

e. I moved house last Monday.

Part 2

Imagine you are speaking to someone at a party. Use the ideas below to make questions using question tags. Make your voice go down at the end, asking for agreement.

Example: John is a nice guy, isn’t he?

a. John / nice guy

b. music / great

c. cold / yesterday

d. you / two children

e. the / not from here

f. your birthday / last week

Speaking – Offering your opinion

Imagine a friend has a problem with his car. Listen and use the ideas below to have a conversation.

Example: You’d better not drive it. You really should take it to a garage or it might break down.

a. drive it ✖ / take to a garage ✓ / break down?

b. leave it ✖ / get worse?

c. repair it yourself ✖ / mechanic ✓

d. use car ✖ / train ✓

e. buy ticket in advance ✓ / busy tomorrow a.m.?

Speaking – Speculating about consequences

Listen and respond to each statement you hear using the ideas below and if … then, unless, or otherwise.

Example: You should go to the dentist, otherwise it’ll get worse.

a. go to the dentist / get worse

b. work hard/ fail exams

c. eat more healthily / put on weight

d. get it repaired / fall behind with work

e. apologize / lose your job


Brigitta Winasis
Brigitta Winasis
A lifetime learner, a magical world wanderer through books and stories. Writing for professional purposes and personal interests.

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