
25 Sinonim Happy untuk Menambah Vocabulary, Sudah Tahu?

sinonim happy

Kursus Vocabulary BuildingHappy adalah salah satu kosakata yang paling pertama dipelajari dalam bahasa Inggris. Walaupun kata ini sudah lazim digunakan, cobalah menggunakan sinonim happy dalam percakapan sehari-hari.

Tujuannya agar kamu tidak melakukan repetisi (pengulangan) kata yang sama terus-menerus. Selain itu, kamu dapat memperkaya perbendaharaan kosakata, yang pastinya membuat kamu semakin fasih!

Happy Artinya

Happy diterjemahkan menjadi senang, bahagia, gembira, girang, atau sukacita.

Di atas adalah pengertian yang sering kita pahami sebagai kata happy. Namun selain itu, ada beberapa arti lain yang dapat didefinisikan dengan kata happy, seperti yang dijelaskan dalam Merriam-Webster.

  • mengalami keberuntungan yang tidak diduga;
  • mengalami kesenangan, kepuasan, atau kebahagiaan;
  • merasa kebutuhan atau keinginannya terpenuhi;
  • memenuhi kebutuhan dalam suatu tujuan atau keadaan;
  • merasa prihatin.

Baca juga: Daftar Sinonim Bahasa Inggris yang Mungkin Belum Kamu Tahu!

Sinonim Happy

SinonimArtiContoh Kalimat
cheerfulriangYou’re not your usual cheerful self today.
delightedsangat senangI am delighted to make your acquaintance, Mrs. Baker.
in a good mooddalam suasana hati yang baikBut everybody was in a good mood that morning, and his apologies were returned with a smile.
gladsenangI’m glad I could help.
contentpuasAs there’s no tea, we’ll have to content ourselves with coffee.
ecstaticgembira luar biasaThe new president was greeted by an ecstatic crowd.
jovialriang dan ramahI was appalled to hear his jovial, jocular style.
joyfulpenuh gembiraA joyful heart is the inevitable result of a heart burning with love.
merrysukariaFrom the house come the bursts of merry laughter.
contentedpuasThe myth of happy and contented animals down on the farm is now far from the truth.
buoyantmeluap, ringanIt takes a very buoyant personality to cope with constant rejection.
cheeryriangHe was a cheery chap who wore a frock coat and a soiled black felt hat which had seen better days.
jollypenuh bahagiaWe spent a very jolly evening together, chatting and drinking.
blithegembiraThe autumn air, blithe and vivacious, elated Philip.
pleasedsenang hatiTo say we were pleased is an understatement.
gratifiedbersyukur, memuaskanJohn was gratified to see the improvement in his mother’s health since she had come home.
satisfiedpuasWe were perfectly satisfied with the outcome of the experiment.
cheeredsemangatThe movie star was warmly cheered as he got on the stage.
brightriang, cerahJosephine was bright, lively and cheerful.
euphoriceuforiaThis has resulted in a less than euphoric response from staff across the spectrum.
sunnyriangThe staff wear big sunny smiles.
smilingtersenyumShe was looking at me with smiling eyes.
in good spiritsdalam semangat baikAccording to press reports he appeared fit and in good spirits.
blissfulbahagiaLunch by a side stream was blissful indulgence.
happy as Larry (informal)bahagia seperti LarryI gave her a police badge to wear on her sleeve and she was as happy as Larry.
happy as a pig in muck (informal)bahagia seperti babi di dalam lumpurLook at your sister out there on the field! She’s happy as a pig in muck now that she’s back in the team’s starting lineup again.

Kursus Vocabulary Building, Speaking Jadi Cas Cis Cus!

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Brigitta Winasis
Brigitta Winasis
A lifetime learner, a magical world wanderer through books and stories. Writing for professional purposes and personal interests.

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