Review Text: Pengertian, Tujuan, Struktur, dan Contohnya

review text

Kursus Academic Writing – Kamu pasti tidak asing mendengar istilah review text, bukan?

Berbeda dengan hortatory exposition, review text digunakan untuk menilai suatu karya seperti film, komik bahkan anime lho.

Nah, ingin tahu lebih lanjut tentang review text? Simak pembahasannya di bawah ini ya!

Pengertian Review Text

Review text adalah salah satu jenis teks dalam bahasa Inggris. Sesuai namanya, review text digunakan untuk mereview sesuatu, umumnya dalam ulasan memuat kelebihan dan kekurangan dari suatu objek.

“Review text is an evaluation of a publication, such as a movie, video game, musical composition, book; a piece of hardware like a car, home appliance, or computer; or an event or performance, such as a live music concert, a play, musical theatre show or dance show.”

Seperti yang disebutkan di atas, review text adalah jenis teks yang berfokus pada memberikan evaluasi atau ulasan mengenai suatu karya, produk, layanan, atau pengalaman tertentu.

Dilihat dari tujuannya, review text memiliki pengertian seperti memberikan informasi kepada pembaca atau calon pembeli produk dalam mengetahui kualitas produk atau jasa yang akan dibeli. 

Struktur Review Text

Jika kamu ingin membuat sebuah review text, ada baiknya kamu

  • Orientation : Background information of the text. Latar belakang informasi suatu teks seperti pengenalan, gambaran awal.
  • Evaluations : Concluding statement : judgement, opinion, or recommendation. It can consist ot more than one. Berisi penilaian opini, rekomendasi, dan hal-hal subjektif lainnya.
  • Interpretative Recount : Summary of an art works including character and plot. Berisi kesimpulan dari karya yang menjadi objek dalam ulasan seperti karakter dan plot cerita.
  • Evaluative Summation : The last opinion consisting the appraisal or the punch line of the art works being criticized. Berisi tanggapan terakhir yang berkesan mengenai karya yang diulas untuk menarik pembaca.

Tujuan Review Text

Tujuan dari review text adalah untuk mengkritik atau memberikan evaluasi kepada sebuah karya sebagai informasi bagi khalayak umum. Tujuannya tetap untuk mengevaluasi, meninjau, mengkritik peristiwa dan karya seni untuk khalayak umum.

Terkadang ada banyak orang yang membutuhkan ulasan sebelum membeli suatu barang/jasa, nah review text ini akan memberi tahu pembaca tentang kekuatan dan kelemahannya.

Secara singkat mengidentifikasi subjek resensi dengan cara yang menarik, dan umumnya dikaitkan dengan nama resensi.

Untuk lebih jelasnya, kamu bisa simak contoh review text di bawah ini!

Contoh Review Text

Contoh teks 1

Assalamu’alaikum Beijing

Movie title : Assalamu’alaikum Beijing
Genre : Romantic-Religious
Director : Guntur Soeharjanto
Playwritter : Asma Nadia
Cast : Revalina S. Temat, Morgan Oey, Ibnu Jamil, Laudya C. Bella, Desta, Ollyne Apple, Cynthia Ramlan, Jajang C. Noer

I really love all the novels written by Asma Nadia. So when the Assalamu’alaikum Beijing novel is filmed , I can hardly wait for the movie in theater. Because it is certainly very good quality movie.The film is directed by Guntur Soeharjanto. The film with the tagline “If you do not find love, let love find you”. In accordance with the novel title, the film is a lot to discuss religion and love. So it is labeled as romantic religious genre. The film tells the love story that is experienced by Asmara (Revalina S. Temat) who was broken heart knowing her fiance, Dewa (Ibn Jamil) had an affair with her friend Anita (Cynthia Ramlan) just a day before the wedding took place. At the same time, finally Asthma received a job in Beijing due to the help of Sekar (Laudya Cynthia Bella). On the way Asma met Zhongwen (Morgan Oey). Asma began to open her heart to Zhongwen. However, before continuing their relationship, Asma was diagnosed APS, a syndrome that made her life in danger and could die at any time.

Contoh teks 2

Harry Potter: A Journey Through A History Of Magic

That scene opens Harry Potter: A Journey Through A History Of Magic, a fun, fact-filled book for young readers that serves as preview to the British Library’s new exhibition, “Harry Potter: A History of Magic.” The exhibit will move to the New York Historical Society next autumn.

The book takes readers on a tour of the Hogwarts curriculum – Potions, Herbology, Charms, Astronomy, Divination, Defence Against the Dark Arts, and Care of Magical Creatures – by exploring the subjects in the series, the professors who teach them, and some of the historical origins for items and characters, with activities and illustrations by Rowling, Jim Kay, and Olivia Lomenech Gill.

For example, Nicholas Flamel, the originator of the Philosopher’s Stone (or Sorcerer’s Stone in American editions of the novels) in the books, was a real French scribe who died in 1418 and was thought to be an alchemist.

Mandrakes, which second-year students help plant in Chamber of Secrets, are real as well, but instead of helping restore people and ghosts petrified by a basilisk, mandrakes were believed to be a medieval herbal remedy for headaches, earaches and insanity, best harvested by unearthing the human-shaped roots by attaching “one end of a cord to the plant and the other to a dog”.

The breezy tone of A Journey Through a History of Magic will appeal to Harry Potter readers of all ages. Professor Binns’ History of Magic lecture is unlike this book; it offers light on the mythology Rowling incorporates into her series without becoming mired down in boring storytelling.

Kay’s and Gill’s illustrations lend the book vibrancy, helping characters and creatures alike pop out from the pages. Younger readers in particular might enjoy the book’s activities, such as making a colour-changing potion out of lemon-lime soda, but it might be best to make sure they’ve read the series first: A Journey Through a History of Magic does feature some minor spoilers.

The real magic of the book, for older fans, is cataloging artifacts from Rowling’s collection. Rowling’s artwork, handwritten drafts, typed manuscripts, flow charts, and situations that appeared differently in the final published books may all be found in A Journey Through a History of Magic. In one draft of Chamber of Secrets, Harry and Ron Weasley crash Mr. Weasley’s flying Ford Anglia into the lake instead of the Whomping Willow; the names of the Order of the Phoenix and Dumbledore’s Army were originally switched; and Rubeus Hagrid warns Cornelius Fudge – who is not only a Muggle but also the Prime Minister of England – of Lord Voldemort’s threat in a manuscript of Sorcerer’s Stone.

Harry Potter: A Journey Through a History of Magic transports readers back into Rowling’s imaginative universe, much like touching the appropriate brick to enter Diagon Alley. It’s a mix of history and nostalgia. But, more significantly, it’ll make you want to pick up the novels again and relive Harry’s exploits.

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A passionate writer who loves reading self-help books!

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