
Apa itu Narrative Text? Tujuan, Struktur, dan Contohnya

narrative text

Kursus English for Kids – Menulis narrative text dalam bahasa Inggris itu susah-susah gampang. Terlebih jika kamu masih di tahap pemula dalam writing.

Namun dalam perjalanan belajar bahasa Inggris ini pasti kamu akan menemui materi tentang jenis teks ini. Jadi, tetap wajib untuk dipelajari ya!

Apa itu Narrative Text?

Narrative text adalah jenis tulisan dengan rangkaian peristiwa atau cerita dari waktu ke waktu yang dijabarkan dengan urutan awal, tengah, dan akhir. Urutan peristiwa yang disampaikan bersifat kronologis, artinya diceritakan secara runtut dan tidak loncat-loncat.

Tujuan Narrative Text

Tujuan narrative text adalah menghibur dan menarik minat pembaca. Narrative text tidak hanya terbatas pada cerita yang berbau mistis, fiksi, legenda, dongeng, atau fabel saja, tetapi juga cerita lain tentang petualangan, misteri, dan semua bentuk cerita secara umum.

Generic Structure of Narrative Text

Berikut struktur narrative text pada umumnya.


Pendahuluan adalah bagian di mana karakter, setting, dan waktu cerita ditetapkan. Biasanya bagian ini menceritakan siapa, kapan, dan di mana cerita terjadi.


  • Once upon a time, there was a wolf lived in the forest.”

Complication or Problem

Menceritakan awal masalah yang menyebabkan krisis. Complication biasanya melibatkan karakter utama.


Akhir cerita yang berupa solusi dari masalah. Masalah dapat diselesaikan dengan baik atau justru menjadi lebih buruk, bahagia, atau sedih.


Merupakan pernyataan penutup cerita dan bersifat opsional. Bisa berisi tentang pelajaran moral, saran, atau pelajaran dari penulis.

narrative story

Jenis Narrative Text

Ada banyak jenis narrative text. Narrative text bisa berupa teks imajiner (khayalan), factual (fakta), atau kombinasi keduanya.

Jenis-jenis narrative text di antaranya adalah:

  • fair story (cerita dongeng)
  • mysteries (cerita misteri)
  • science fiction (fiksi ilmu pengetahuan)
  • romances (cerita romantis)
  • horror stories (cerita horror)
  • adventure stories (cerita petualangan)
  • fables (dongeng hewan)
  • myths (mitos)
  • legends (legenda)
  • historical narratives (cerita sejarah)
  • ballads (balad)
  • slice of life (cerita kehidupan)
  • personal experience (pengalaman pribadi)

Berbagai macam teks narasi berbentuk cerita dapat kamu lihat contohnya dalam artikel 3 Contoh Cerita Pendek Bahasa Inggris untuk Anak-Anak.

Contoh Narrative Text



Once upon a time, there was a beautiful young girl named Cinderella. She lived with her step mother and two sisters. They were arrogant and bad tempered. They treated Cinderella very badly. Her step mother made Cinderella do the hardest job in the house, such as scrubbing the floor, cleaning the pot and pan and preparing food for the family. Her step sisters, on the other hand, did not work on the house. Their mother gave them many pretty dresses to wear.
One day, a king invited all girls in his kingdom to attend a ball in his palace. They were excited about this and spent so much time choosing the dresses they would wear. Cinderella could not stop crying after they left.
“Why are you crying, Cinderella?” the voice asked. She looked up and saw a fairy standing beside her. Then Cinderella told her why she was crying. Well the fairy said, “You’ve been such a cheerful, hardworking, uncomplaining girl that I will see that you go to the ball.”
The fairy turned a pumpkin into a coach and mice into a smooth two coach man and footman then tapped Cinderella’s dress with her wand, and it became a beautiful ball gown.
Then she gave her a pair of pretty glass shoes. “Now, Cinderella,” she said, “you have to leave the ball before midnight”.
Then she drove away a wonderful coach. Cinderella had a marvelous time either. She danced again and again with the prince. Suddenly the clock began to strike twelve, she ran toward the door as fast as he could do.
In her hurry, one of her glass shoes left behind. A few days later, the prince declared that he would marry the girl whose feet fitted the glass shoe.
Cinderella’s stepsisters tried on it but it was too small for them, no matter how hard they squeezed their toes into it. In the end, the king’s page let Cinderella try the shoe. She stretched his legs and slipped the shoe on the page. It fitted perfectly. Finally, she was ushered into a magnificent palace and height. The prince were glad to see her again. They married and lived happily ever after.

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Brigitta Winasis
Brigitta Winasis
A lifetime learner, a magical world wanderer through books and stories. Writing for professional purposes and personal interests.

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