
Parallel Structure adalah: Ciri-Ciri, Rumus, dan Contoh

Saat menyebutkan beberapa objek benda sekaligus dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris, kamu dapat menggunakan parallel structure. Untuk menggunakan struktur ini, kamu wajib mengetahui rumus dan syaratnya.

Apa itu Parallel Structure?

Parallel structure adalah pola kata yang sama dalam satu kalimat dengan mengulang bentuk gramatikal yang sama. Tujuan penggunaan struktur ini yaitu menegaskan pentingnya informasi atau gagasan yang disampaikan dalam kalimat.

Ciri-ciri parallel structure

  • mengandung lebih dari satu informasi dalam part of speech yang sama
  • menggunakan bentuk gramatikal yang sama untuk informasi tersebut
  • informasi tersebut dihubungkan dengan coordinating conjunctions, seperti for, and, nor, but, dan lain-lain
  • parallel structure dapat berupa kata, frasa, atau klausa

Words (Kata)

Parallel structure dalam kalimat dapat berbentuk kata benda (noun), kata keterangan (adverb), kata sifat (adjective), dan lain-lain.

Noun yang digunakan dapat berbentuk gerund.

  • Ryan likes swimming (noun), hiking (noun), and riding a motorcycle (noun).
  • Students were asked to do their assignments quickly (adverb), accurately (adverb), and thoroughly (adverb).
  • Mr Evan is a lawyer (noun), a lawyer (noun) and a teacher (noun).

Parallel structure harus menggunakan bentuk yang sama. Sebagai contoh, seluruhnya berbentuk adjective.

The production manager was asked to write his report quickly, accurately, and in a detailed manner.

The production manager was asked to write his report quickly, accurately, and thoroughly.

Phrases (Frasa)

Parallel structure dapat berbentuk frasa benda (noun phrase), frasa sifat (adjective phrase), frasa keterangan (adverb phrase), dan lain-lain.

  • My uncle likes to eat in expensive restaurants (verb phrase) and to visit museums (verb phrase).
  • He found cleaning supplies in the closet (prepositional phrase), under the sink (prepositional phrase), but not in the garage (prepositional phrase).
  • Dad told me that I should study a lot (verb phrase), not eat fast food (verb phrase), and maintain a strict routine before the exam (verb phrase).
  • Eric joined the office (past), worked hard (past), and got a pay raise (past).

Parallel structure harus menggunakan bentuk yang sama.

The teacher said that he was a poor student because he waited until the last minute to study for the exam, completed his lab problems in a careless manner, and his motivation was low.

The teacher said that he was a poor student because he waited until the last minute to study for the exam, completed his lab problems in a careless manner, and lacked motivation.

Clauses (Klausa)

Parallel structure yang menggunakan klausa harus diikuti pula dengan klausa. Selain itu, perhatikan bentuk aktif dan pasifnya.

  • Mr Thomas expected that he would present his ideas at the meeting (active), that there would be time for him to show his slide presentation (active), and that his partners would agree with him (active).
  • Dad told me that I should study a lot (clause), that I should not eat fast food (clause), and that I should maintain a strict routine before the exam (clause).
  • The company doesn’t care about who you are (question), how you got here (question), or why you have come (question).

Parallel structure harus menggunakan bentuk yang sama.

The salesman expected that he would present his product at the meeting, that he would have time to show his slide presentation, and that questions would be asked by prospective buyers.

The salesman expected that he would present his product at the meeting, that he would have time to show his slide presentation, and that prospective buyers would ask him questions.

Ahli Grammar, Makin Mirip Native Speaker!

Grammar bahasa Inggris memiliki banyak aspek yang harus dipahami. Agar mempelajarinya semakin mudah, kamu dapat mengikuti Kursus Grammar English di Lister.

Di sini kamu akan belajar bersama tutor-tutor ahli dan bersertifikat. Kamu juga akan mendapatkan modul yang pastinya mendukung proses belajar. Kamu dapat memilih jumlah kelas sendiri. Daftar sekarang!


Brigitta Winasis
Brigitta Winasis
A lifetime learner, a magical world wanderer through books and stories. Writing for professional purposes and personal interests.

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