Self-assessment checklist adalah salah satu cara penilaian yang mudah dilaksanakan. Namun, bagaimana membuat proses self-assessment benar-benar efektif?
Apa itu Self-Assessment?
Self-assessment adalah penilaian yang dilakukan terhadap performa pribadi. Walaupun dilakukan secara pribadi, self-assessment dimonitor oleh supervisor atau departemen yang bersangkutan.
Self-assessment dapat dilakukan melalui berbagai metode, salah satunya adalah self-assessment checklist. Dalam metode ini, karyawan diminta menjawab sesuai pilihan jawaban yang sudah disediakan. Terkadang karyawan juga diminta menjelaskan alasan jawabannya tersebut dan keterangan lebih lanjut.
Keunggulan Self-Assessment di Tempat Kerja
Apa saja keuntungan yang dirasakan karyawan dari metode self-assessment? Karyawan dapat:
- merasa lebih terlibat dalam proses penilaian
- memperoleh wawasan tentang lingkungan kerja
- menetapkan tujuan pengembangan diri yang baru
- meningkatkan kepercayaan diri
- meningkatkan kapasitas diri
- belajar memperbaiki kekurangan diri
- menentukan program pelatihan yang dibutuhkan
- mengembangkan kemampuan problem-solving
- menjadi lebih bertanggung jawab
- merasa lebih dihargai
- merasa termotivasi mempelajari keterampilan baru
Karyawan yang melalui proses self-assessment cenderung lebih mampu menerima masukan dari orang lain. Proses penilaian terjadi melalui proses diskusi dua arah.
Karyawan yang menilai performa pribadinya akan lebih bertanggung jawab terhadap pilihannya. Mereka cenderung lebih berkomitmen, produktif, loyal, dan puas dengan pekerjaannya.

Tips Membuat dan Mengisi Self-Assessment Checklist
Agar efektif, self-assessment sebaiknya memenuhi aspek-aspek berikut.
Fokus pada rencana karier jangka panjang
Self-assessment sebaiknya fokus pada pengembangan diri secara profesional dan rencana karier jangka panjang. Pertanyaan dapat meliputi evaluasi terhadap keterampilan yang dimiliki dan pelatihan yang dibutuhkan lebih lanjut demi mencapai tujuan karier.
Kontribusi pada perusahaan
Self-assessment yang dijalani tentu harus membahas bagaimana karyawan dapat berkontribusi pada perusahaan melalui keterampilannya.
Gunakan pertanyaan yang bersifat positif untuk mendorong karyawan berefleksi terhadap performanya. Pertanyaan yang positif akan membuat karyawan berpikir tentang cara terbaik mengembangkan keterampilannya di masa depan. Hal-hal yang ditanyakan dapat berkaitan dengan performa, pencapaian, dan pengembangan diri secara profesional.
Menjawab self-assessment juga sebaiknya dilakukan dengan kalimat positif. Hal ini akan membuat karyawan fokus pada hal-hal yang sudah dicapai. Hal ini juga akan mendorong karyawan meningkatkan kemampuan diri sampai penilaian berikutnya.
Tujuan penilaian
Karyawan sebaiknya mengetahui tujuan penilaian. Contohnya penilaian berkaitan dengan promosi dan bonus karyawan. Hal-hal ini akan memengaruhi jenis pertanyaan yang diajukan.

Contoh Self-Assessment Checklist
Self-Assessment Checklist for Work From Home
The aim of this checklist is to assist you in assessing the health and safety of your home working environment by listing the main areas of assessment and the issues within each to be on the lookout for.
It is not intended to cover the areas to be assessed where home working is anything other than office work. If you answer no to any items, it is likely that a risk assessment for that issue will need to be done.
Job Title:
Answer yes or no. Please give further details for any ‘no’ answers.
Electrical Equipment
– Can you confirm that there is no visible damage (including any signs of overheating) to sockets, plugs and leads?
– Are all cables secure in plugs with no inner cores of the cable visible?
– Where more power outlets are required, training extension boards (preferably incorporating surge protection) are used not multi-way blocks?
– Are there sufficient power outlets?
– Are there power outlets in the right place, to avoid trailing leads for example?
– If your company has a policy of PAT (Portable Appliance Testing), has your electrical equipment been tested?
General Equipment
– Is the equipment supplied suitable for the job being done?
– Have you received all the training you require on the equipment provided?
– Is there a safety guard on all equipment that requires it?
– Is Personal Protective Equipment available and used where required?
Working Environment
– Is your working area suitable in terms of heating, lighting and ventilation?
– Do you have sufficient space to work?
– Do you have sufficient separation from other individuals in the home, particularly children?
– Please confirm that there are no trip or slip hazards, such as trailing wires.
– Can all entrances, exits and windows be secured?
– Can any equipment and sensitive data be secured when not in use?
– Can you confirm that any ‘office’ equipment is not causing an additional burglary risk?
Display screen workstation
– Have you had your eyes tested if you are having any form of eye strain?
– Do you have a footrest if you need one?
– Have you read the HSE booklet “Working with VDUs”?
– Is the screen free from glare and flicker? (Having light sources, such as windows, at right angles to the screen is usually best.)
– Is the screen clear and readable, including the fine detail?
– Can you adjust the brightness and contrast to prevent eye strain?
– Can you adjust the screen height, tilt and swivel?
– Is the keyboard tillable and separate from the screen?
– Can the chair be adjusted to the right seat height and back height and tilt?
– Is the desk at the correct height for you to work?
– Is there sufficient space under the desk to allow free movement?
– Please note that you should take time to review your health after one month to ensure there are no problems.
Remote working alone
– Please confirm that you do not undertake any tasks that would, for safety, require more than one person present.
– Please confirm that there are no health reasons against you working alone.
– If the work is not at your home:
1. Has a lone working risk assessment been done for the location?
2. Have you read the HSE booklet “Working Alone in Safety”?
– Is there a safe entrance to and egress from the workplace?
Accidents / First Aid
– Do you have a defined way of reporting work related accidents, injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences?
– Do you have a first aid kit available?
Sliding Scale Self-Assessment
Assess your job performance for Q1 2022 and provide answers to the following questions. Return the evaluation to your supervisor no later than 3/3/2022.
Rate your agreement using the following scale:
1 – Strongly disagree
2 – Disagree
3 – Do not agree or disagree
4 – Agree
5 – Strongly agree
1. I enjoy the majority of the responsibilities and tasks associated with my position.
2. There are specific parts of my role that I prefer over others.
3. My job description is an accurate representation of my role and responsibilities.
4. I have contributed to my department and the company in a way that I’m proud of over the last quarter.
5. I have met my established goals over the last quarter.
Bahasa Inggris adalah syarat utama bersaing dalam karier di masa depan. Untuk mempersiapkan diri menghadapinya, ikuti Kursus Business English di Lister.
Di sini kamu akan belajar bersama para tutor yang profesional dan berpengalaman. Kamu dapat memilih jumlah pertemuan sesuai kebutuhan dan jadwal yang fleksibel. Daftar sekarang!