Kata Bahasa Inggris yang jarang diketahui biasanya jarang digunakan bagi seseorang yang sedang berlatih berbicara menggunakan Bahasa Inggris.
Buat kamu yang penasaran memangnya ada kosakata bahasa inggris yang jarang digunakan? Simak contohnya di sini!
Rekomendasi layanan : Kursus Vocabulary Building
Kata Bahasa Inggris yang Jarang Diketahui
Tahukah kamu bahwa Oxford English Dictionary mencatat setidaknya ada sekitar 600.000 kosakata bahasa Inggris?
Namun masih banyak diantaranya yang menjadi kata bahasa Inggris yang jarang diketahui. Seperti apasih bentuk katanya?
Berikut ini ada contoh bahasa inggris yang jarang diketahui beserta arti dan contohnya:
1. Aquiver (adjective) = Gemetar, menggigil karena perasaan yang kuat
Contoh: Her body was aquiver as she tried to explain the incident that made her very angry.
2. Baloney (noun) = Omong kosong
Contoh: Don’t give me that baloney!
3. Bamboozle (verb) = Memperdaya
Contoh: The robber hopes his disguise will bamboozle the police.
4. Blatherskite (verb) = Orang yang banyak bicara omong kosong
Contoh: Don’t listen to his explanation. He is a blatherskite.
5. Bodacious (adjective) = Luar biasa
Contoh: That restaurant serves bodacious steak.
6. Doughty (adjective) = Berani, pantang menyerah
Contoh: The doughty warriors refused to leave the battlefield.
7. Enervate (Adjective, verb) = Lemah, melemahkan
Contoh: The hot weather enervates me.
8. Epiphany (noun) = Pencerahan
Contoh: After I joined the talkshow, I got an epiphany.
9. Feign (verb) = Berpura-pura
Contoh: I feign sleep so she would not disturb me.
10. Felicity (noun) = Kebahagiaan besar
Contoh: I went to Disneyland yesterday and saw a lot of children with felicity on their faces.
11. Flummox (verb) = Membingungkan
Contoh: The complicated rules flummox the new students.
12. Fractious (adjective) = Cengeng, mudah tersinggung, susah dikontrol
Contoh: Those two men fight like fractious children.
13. Hew (verb) = Menebang
Contoh: I help my father to hew wood for the fireplace.
14. Lassitude (noun) = Keadaan lelah, lesu, kehabisan tenaga
Contoh: After finishing the marathon, I experienced a feeling of lassitude.
15. Mellifluous (adjective) = Merdu
Contoh: That newsanchor’s voice is mellifluous.
Baca juga : 110 Kata-kata Penyemangat Bahasa Inggris Singkat dan Artinya
16. Noxious (adjective) = Berbahaya, beracun
Contoh: E-waste pollutes the river with noxious chemicals.
17. Oust (verb) = Mengusir
Contoh: I really want to oust her from this room because she is so noisy.

18. Pristine (adjective) = Murni, asli
Contoh: The huge amount of waste has polluted the once pristine river water.
19. Tumult (noun) = Keributan, kekacauan
Contoh: The headmaster was called to clear up the tumult created by the students.
20. Yore (noun) = Dahulu kala, masa lalu
Contoh: In the days of yore, cellphone did not exist.
21. Serendipity =Kebetulan
Contoh: The paparazzi relied on serendipity to figure out which hotel entrance the celebrity would use.
22. Scrumptious = enak, sedap, lezat atau mewah, rasanya enak banget
Contoh: The scrumptious tasting cupcake won the baker extra points in the cooking competition.
23. Gobbledygook = uraian yang berbelit-belit dan sulit untuk dipahami dengan penggunaan istilah teknis yang berlebihan; omong kosong.
Contoh: Janet filled her term paper with gobbledygook to make it meet her teacher’s required word count.
24. Impignorate = menggadaikan.
Contoh: In that case it was found that the husband did not impignorate the estate by the deed of dower.
25. Jentacular = Tentang atau berkaitan dengan sarapan yang diambil di pagi hari, atau segera saat bangun tidur.
Contoh: The method of making coffee for breakfast is earnestly recommended, as a most wholesome and pleasant jentacular beverage, first ordered by an able physician.
26. Nudiustertian = Dari atau berkaitan dengan hari sebelum kemarin; sangat baru-baru ini, kemarin dulu.
Contoh: All of a sudden, a nudiustertian thought came to Janet—the day before yesterday, she had seen Chet at a coffee shop. She asked him to join her for a latte to celebrate his narrow escape, and he accepted!
27. Vex = menyakiti, menyakitkan hati, menjengkelkan, mendongkolkan.
Contoh: If you attempt to vex the dog by pulling his tail, he is sure to bite you!
28. Flub = kesalahan; tindakan melakukan sesuatu yang buruk
Contoh: Unfortunately, this isn’t the only flub that’s occurred on the popular game show in recent weeks.
29. Kerfuffle = kegembiraan atau aktivitas yang tidak perlu
Contoh: Because the defendant did not apologize for causing a kerfuffle in the movie theater, the judge sentenced him harshly.
30. Henceforth = mulai dari waktu tertentu dan setiap saat di masa depan
Contoh: “Henceforth, I will not accept any more excuses for missing homework unlike the past few months,” the distraught teacher said to her students, “but instead you will receive a zero on that assignment.”
Seru bukan mempelajari kata kata bahasa inggris keren yang masuk ke dalam kosakata bahasa inggris yang jarang diketahui?
Nah, itulah kosakata bahasa Inggris yang jarang dipakai dan bisa menjadi alternatif pemilihan kata untuk kamu bisa pakai saat berbahasa Inggris.
Untuk anda : 30 Kata Kata Sedih Bahasa Inggris, Menyentuh
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